Chapter 1

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Kirito's Pov
"Kirito! Wake up" Eugeo yelled as he threw a pillow at me, I opened my eyes "jeez Eugeo, I'm up" I sat up, Eugeo put his hands on his waist "it's Alice's first day at school, we have to drop her off" he reminded me, I nodded "thanks" I stood up "I'll go get ready then, I assume Renly is already awake?" I asked, Eugeo nodded "ok....." I went into the bathroom.

Eugeo's Pov
I left the room and walked into the kitchen, Renly was making breakfast for everyone "Pa! Pa! Pa! Look at what I'm wearing!" Alice yelled jumping up and down, she is our youngest, 7 years old, she had medium length black hair with a few green strips, her eyes were a bluish green, she wore her hair in pigtails. When she says Pa she is referring to Renly, all the kids call him Pa, Kirito Dad and me Papa "alright, let me see" he looked down at her, she was wearing her school uniform, it was a light blue uniform, with a dark blue bow under the collar and her skirt was light blue, she wore normal black school shoes and white socks. I smiled "wow! You look great Alice!" Renly pat her head, he went back to cooking so that the pancakes wouldn't burn, Tsuki was the next to come out, she had long blonde hair with a few black strips, her eyes were a yellowish brown like Renly, she had her hair tied up into two low pigtails, she wore her dark blue uniform, it was like Alice's but the bow and skirt were black, she wore knee high black socks and black school shoes "hey Pa, hey Papa" she greeted us as she sat down at the table, she was 17, turning eighteen in a few weeks "good morning Tsuki, are you excited to go back to school?" I asked as I sat at the table with her, she nodded "yeah, I miss some of my friends that I couldn't see during the holidays" she answered. Haru then came out of his room, he is Tsuki's twin brother and he is older than her by 3 minutes, he has long blonde hair that faded slightly into a green at the end, his eyes were grey like Kirito's, he was wearing his uniform which was, a white button up shirt, blue jacket, black tie and black pants, but he wasn't wearing his jacket, his shirt was loose and so was his tie, he wore normal black school shoes, I didn't mind, he isn't breaking any rules. He sat at the table and tied his hair back into a low ponytail "good morning Haru" I greeted him, Alice jumped into the seat next to him "good morning....." he looked tired "didn't sleep much again?" I asked, he just stayed quiet, I'll take that as a yes "maybe this year you will make some friends" I reassured, he looked away from everyone "sure" he mumbled, Haru wasn't exactly the social type or the popular type, he gets picked on quite a lot apparently, not that he ever tells me, it's always Tsuki who tells me, she never tells me why though. Kirito walked into the room, he sat down between Tsuki and I "good morning" he yawned, Alice smiled "Dad! I can't wait to make friends! Even if I just make one friend! I'll treasure it forever!" Alice cheered, I giggled a bit "that's a great attitude Alice! High five!" The two high fived each other, he looked at the twins "what are you two planning on concentrating on this year?" He asked, Tsuki grinned "I'm going to do modelling!" She cheered, Kirito nodded "that's great, follow your dream Tsuki, what about you Haru?" He asked, Haru thought for a moment, he rested his head in his hand "I don't know...... something" he answered, Renly started to place plates in front of us, he sat down on the other side of me "eat up, we have an hour and a half to get these three to school" we all started to eat, Alice looked so happy to finally be going to school "Yui told me that school is a great place to learn and socialise and then she also said something about, stress?" She seemed a bit confused, Kirito sighed "I'll have to talk to Asuna about that" he mumbled. We all finished "I will wash the dishes once I get back from work since I finish early today, I'll also pick up the kids" Renly reassured, we stacked our plates in the sink "alright let's go" Kirito held Alice's hand as we left the house. Kirito works in coding and game testing or something like that, Renly works at a hospital as a nurse, I work in game testing, same place as Kirito although we very rarely see each other at work. Kirito and I got into one car, him in the driver's seat and me in the other seat, Tsuki and Haru sat in the passengers seats, Renly got into the other car with Alice, since we can't all fit in one car. We were going to the same place though, the school that our kids go to is from the first year of primary school to the last year of high school. Kirito started to drive.

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