Chapter 8

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Kirito's Pov
It's the twins 18th birthday, I gave them the choice to invite whoever they wanted, I was surprised to hear Haru invited two people, since when did he have two friends? (Ouch Kirito, I don't have friends either) Tsuki invited her friend Shizukana Himei, she didn't invite anyone else because those people who all hang around her only pretend to be her friend because she's popular with guys. Haru was still mad at us, Tsuki has been acting like she's stuck between being mad and being sympathetic, Alice is clueless. The doorbell went, I went to open the door, Haru walked out of his room with his hair out, I opened the door, I was expecting Kiyoshi who was here but next to him was "Hiroto...." I mumbled, Haru walked towards me "relax I invited him" he grabbed Kiyoshi and Hiroto's arms and dragged them inside. Renly noticed the two, he seemed a bit shocked but welcomed the two "hello, Kiyoshi, Hiroto, it's great to see you" he said with a sweet smile, I glared at Hiroto as I closed the door, Tsuki walked out of her room with her hair tied into a high ponytail. Hiroto, Kiyoshi and Haru sat on a couch together.

Haru's Pov
Hiro hand me a gift "Happy Birthday!" He cheered, I stared at it for a second, I took it out of his hands and opened it, a new sketch book, he remembered that I like to draw? "Thankyou" I smiled at him, he returned the smile, Kai handed me a box filled with expensive art tools. I was shocked "y-you didn't have to..." I mumbled, he chuckled "anything for you Haru" he replied, I blushed and looked away "I-I um... thankyou..." Tsuki sat down next to us with her friend Himei, she sighed "I wonder when the family is getting here" she mumbled, I looked at her "do you know who's coming? I haven't talk to our parents" I asked, she rolled her eyes "uh well, Aunty Asuna, Aunty Yuuki, Yui, Uncle Klein, Aunty Ojo, Aunty Sinon, Aunty Sugu, Aunty Ronye, Aunty Tiese, Uncle Agil, Aunty Silica, Aunty Lisbeth and-" the door burst open and a tall man with long black hair that was tied into a ponytail walked in, his hair also had red strip's in it, his eyes were red and he wore a completely black suit, next to him was a disappointed looking girl with light purple hair that faded into a blue, her eyes were also blue and she wore a red flower dress. Tsuki stood up excitedly as the guy with black hair walked in uninvited, she ran over to him "UNCLE WRAITH!!!" She cheered, she hugged him, he hugged her back, Aunty Gekko smiled "how's my apprentice?" Wraith asked letting Tsuki go, she smiled cheekily "still causing mayham" she did a little hair flip, I rolled my eyes and sat back in the couch, Wraith noticed "not so happy to see me?" He asked, I looked back at him "yeah, I'm not so happy to see you because you're a dick" I stood up and walked away, Hiro and Kai followed me "ouch thats so hurtful" Wraith said sarcastically, I looked at him and put my middle finger up at him.

Kirito's Pov
I watched as Haru walked into the backyard with Kiyoshi and Hiroto, I'm still really worried about him, anyway, lately I've been having weird dreams about that little boy who came to my door during Christmas, I don't know why though, is it somehow important, it was just a prank wasn't it?..... "Kirito?" Eugeo interrupted my thoughts, I looked at him "yeah?" I asked "have you seen Renly?" I looked around but didn't see Renly "I'll look for him" I answered, I walked around to look for him, I walked into our room, I couldn't see him, I walked to the window and opened it, I looked around, I felt like somebody was watching me so I looked on the top of the house next to us, I saw somebody standing there on the roof, staring at our house, they were looking at me, they were wearing a black hoodie and black mask, I was about to climb out the window to get a closer look when somebody put there hand on my shoulder, I turned to look at them, it was Renly "hey Kirito, what's wrong?" He asked, I looked back at the house but the person was gone, I sighed "nevermind, I was just looking for you" I answered, Renly smiled "I was just on a call with Klein, he'll be here soon" he replied, he walked out the door expecting me to follow, I looked put the window again, nobody was there, I closed the window and followed Renly.

Guardian Angel's Pov
I was waiting in an alleyway for my partner, no not someone who is working for Kikuoka, someone who is helping me protect Haru and his family, he jumped down from a roof and landed next to me "nobody suspicious?" I whispered looking at him, he shook his head "not yet.... who knows who it could be....." he sighed and looked at me, I could clearly see the large scar around his left eye, his eyes were grey and some of his blonde hair was showing from under his hood "we need to be careful Angel, who know what they could be planning, they didn't even tell you which probably means it's something bad" he spoke, I nodded in agreement "right, let's go" I put my mask on and we separated to cover more ground.

Haru's Pov
Kai and Hiro were actually having a civilised conversation, it was shocking to say the least, what other shocks will I have today? (No.... Haru please don't ask that) we were all sitting on a swinging bench outside, just swinging on it together, both of them were laughing, am I going crazy? I stared between them since they were on either side of me, then I rolled my eyes and stared at the grass "there's my favourite nephew!" I heard someone cheer, I looked up and Uncle Klein was standing there with his arms out, I jumped off the bench and ran over to him, I gave him a big hug "hey kid! I didn't expect you to be so happy that I'm here" he hugged me back, I stayed quiet, I just really needed Klein's support right now. I let him go and saw Pa smiling at me from the door, I stared at Pa for a second before looking away "kid?" Klein asked, I looked at him "sorry, I got distracted for a second.... thankyou for coming" I replied, we both looked over at Kai and Hiro who were just sitting there staring at us "this is my Uncle Klein, Klein you've already met Hiro, the other one is Kai" I introduced them. Then I looked back at Klein "could I talk to you? I want to ask for your advice...." I asked, he nodded "come on kid and don't make such a sad face on your birthday" he poked my cheek, I smiled and pushed his hand away.

Renly's Pov
I watched Haru and Klein go back into the house from a different door, I sighed, Haru can be really stubborn sometimes but I understand why, I guess he really does take after his father huh? I looked down and thought about when I first held Haru and Tsuki, I was so happy to finally look into their eyes. Alice tugged on my sleeve, I looked down at her "is Pa ok?" She asked, I nodded and picked her up "yeah of course Alice" I answered, she nodded "Haru seems grumpy lately... is he ok?" She asked, I looked down "yeah don't worry about it sweety" I ruffled her hair.

Klein's Pov
Haru had just explained to me why he's upset with his parents, which I already knew about all of it... "Haru.... what your parents went through.... it would have been very traumatic to try and explain it to their children...." I put my hand on his shoulder "they are just worried that you might have to go through the same thing..... they knew that if anything like that happened again you would be in danger and they couldn't handle that" I added, Haru looked down "was I too hard on them about it?" He asked, I rubbed his arm "you had a reason to be angry Haru but..... they had a reason to keep that secret from you, so Haru you should talk to them..... one by one if it make you feel safer ok?" I answered, he nodded "thankyou Klein" he hugged me, I smiled and hugged him back "its no problem Haru" I squeezed him a bit and then let him go "go on, we'll be going put for dinner soon" we both stood up from his bed and he wlaked out of the room, I followed.

Haru's Pov
I'll talk to Pa first, I just feel a bit safer talking to him first, I walked over to him "alright everyone to the cars, we're going to get dinner" Dad said, everyone began to leave "um, Pa could I talk to you before we go?" I asked, he looked at me and smiled gently "of course" he answered, once everyone had left the house I began to talk "I-I..... I am really sorry for yelling at all of you..... Klein explained how much it would have hurt for you all to explain that to your children so I just wanted to apologise" I explained, Pa pulled me into a hug, I was a bit shocked but gladly hugged him back "Haru..... you don't have to apologise.... we were all in the wrong somehow" he whispered, I nodded "thankyou Pa....." I replied. I don't normally admit it but if I had to choose a favourite parent, it would be Pa, he's always understanding and caring towards all of us and he always notices when I'm upset, he knows my boundaries and doesn't cross them (not that Kirito and Eugeo do) he always knows how to cheer me up and I love him, my Pa. The moment of comfort was interrupted by a sudden explosion, Pa shielded me from it but I ended up with a bad ringing in my ears, that explosion was followed by more.

Kirito's Pov
As I was waiting outside for Renly and Haru I had a bad feeling that something was going to happen, something bad, my feeling was confirmed when I heard an explosion from inside the house, I could hear Renly scream in pain, I rushed to the house but couldn't get past the other explosions "RENLY!!!! HARU!!!!!" I yelled, Eugeo rushed over to me "stay here with Tsuki and Alice" I demanded.

(Uh Oh😱)

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