Chapter 4

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Haru's Pov
The entire family + Kai was sitting at the dinner table eating, it was completely silent until Tsuki finally spoke up "Haru, if it wasn't Kiyoshi that hung up those posters, who do you think it was?" She asked, I shrugged "I don't know..... whoever did it is a jerk" I mumbled, Dad looked down angrily, Papa and Pa both shared worried looks "what about Hiroto? you two used to be pretty close" Tsuki asked, that hit me like a boulder. I looked down, Kai seemed confused "you and Hiroto..... were friends?" He asked, I nodded slowly, the table went quiet, Alice hummed a little tune not really being aware of the situation. Papa coughed awkwardly "yes, that is the case but we don't really talk about that anymore because Haru asked us not to" he explained, I stayed quiet, Tsuki laughed awkwardly "uh- anyway, there is a grade camp to Paris" she passed the note to Pa, I already gave mine to Dad "oh that sounds interesting, if you two would like to go you can" Pa smiled sweetly, I nodded slightly, Tsuki smiled brightly "yes! I've always wanted to go to Paris!" She cheered, I finished my food "could I be excused?" I asked, Papa nodded. I stood up and walked over to the kitchen with my plate, I began to wash it, Kai soon followed, after asking of course, we stood next to each other washing our plates "so.....what happened? If you don't mind me asking" he asked, I looked at him "what do you mean?" I asked, he continued washing his plate "you know, between you and Hiroto" he answered, I nodded "right, that...... let's just say he's a jerk" I answered, I put my plate on the drying rack and tried to walk away, Kai grabbed my hand "you can talk to me you know" he reassured, I nodded "we were kids, kids are stupid, he told me he didn't want to be my friend because I looked like a girl and then he changed into a bully instead of a friend" I snatched my hand away "you should get going, I'm sure your grandparents would be worried" I walked away into my room, Kai followed me "are you ok? I'm sorry if you really didn't want to tell me" he asked as we walked into my room, I turned to face him "I'm fine, you can go home" I answered, he slowly nodded and left the room. I sighed and sat down at my desk, I opened my laptop and waited a minute. I finally got a facetime call from the person I was waiting for, I picked up "hey kid" he cheered "hey Uncle Klein" I responded "I heard what happened at school, you alright?" He asked, I nodded "yeah.... I'm fine, by the way I'm going to Paris soon" I changed the subject "oh cool, that sounds like fun, it's a very romantic location" he wiggled his eyebrows "why would I care about it being romantic?" I asked, he laughed, I just sat quietly with a disappointed look, he eventually stopped laughing "that Kai Kiyoshi guy, you've been talking about him A LOT, I believe someone's got a little crush" Klein explained, my ears and cheeks went a bit red "I-I do not!" I yelled. Klein definitely wasn't convinced "mhm, sure~" he rolled his eyes "anyway, I should go, good night Haru" he waved a bit "bye Klein" I hung up. I do not have a crush on Kai, sure he's kind of cute and- nevermind the point is I Do Not Have A Crush On Him.

Time Skip
Tsuki and I were meeting the grade at the airport "ok, you've got your tickets, your suitcases are being put on the plane and your bags are with you, you are all good to go" Dad smiled in achievement, Papa smiled, he held his arms out, I hugged Papa, Tsuki hugged Dad, I let go of Papa and hugged Pa, Tsuki hugged Papa, I then hugged Dad while Tsuki hugged Pa and then we both hugged Alice "alright bye!" Tsuki ran to her friends. I walked over to the grade, I looked around for Kai "where is he?" I asked, suddenly somebody grabbed my shoulders "boo!" They yelled, I turned around and slapped whoever it was, it was Kai, he held his cheek "ouch" he mumbled, I sighed "well don't sneak up on me!" I scolded him, he chuckled "sorry, sorry" he apologised "ok everyone is here now! Let's get onto the plane!" One of the teachers yelled, Kai grabbed my hand and led me to the line of students going into the plane, I blushed a bit and looked away, we got to the back of the line. I looked at my ticket "b1" I mumbled, Kai smiled at me "awesome! I'm b2!" He cheered, I smiled a bit. I could tell somebody was staring at me, I looked around but couldn't see anybody looking at me "Haru? Is something wrong?" Kai asked, I nodded "yeah, let's go" I followed Kai onto the plane.

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