Chapter 3

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(I've just been trying to flirt with her the whole time and then this happens, I'm hurt)

Haru's Pov
We were all sitting at the table eating dinner, it was completely quiet, Dad looked at me "so now that you have come out to us, I have a new rule for you" he interrupted the silence, I looked at him "no boyfriends till your eighteen" he said, I shrugged "I'll be eighteen in a few weeks" I responded, Dad nodded "your right...... no boyfriends till your 20" he added "Dad, I'm not even interested in anyone" I laughed a bit, Tsuki looked at me in disbelief "oh come on, no one?" She asked, I shook my head "no one" I answered, both Dad and Tsuki didn't look convinced, I'm being serious though, there is no one. Papa, Pa and Alice just stayed quiet listening to the conversation "was someone in your room earlier?" Dad asked, I tensed up a bit "that's a yes then" "n-no! Why would anyone be in my room?!" I answered, Tsuki thought for a moment "your right, you don't have any friends" she agreed, I glared at her "I have a friend....." I argued, everyone stared at me shocked (wow) "oh who is this friend?" Papa asked, I looked away from all of them "Kai Kiyoshi" I answered, Tsuki looked even more confused "but- didn't you run away from him because you didn't want to give him a chance?" She asked, I realised my mistake, she grabbed out her phone "Tsuki no phones at the table" Papa said "hold on, I think I know who was in his room" she smiled a bit "I knew it!" She yelled, she put her phone away "it was Kiyoshi!" She cheered, Dad took a sip of his drink (weird face go!) "Kirito?" Pa asked, Dad stayed quiet for a moment, he put his cup down "why were you hiding him?" Dad asked, I sighed "because I knew you would all assume that we are dating when we're not, we met today" I answered, he nodded "well we are glad you've made a friend Haru" Pa smiled at me, I returned the smile "perhaps you should invite him over?" Papa asked, I nodded "sure, I'll ask tomorrow" I answered.

7 Week Time Skip
"Bye guys!" I walked into the school, Alice went to her side while Tsuki and I walked together "are you excited to see your boyfriend?" She asked, I glared at her "he isn't my boyfriend" we got to my locker, Tsuki leaned against the locker next to mine "ok but he is hot I'll give him that" I opened my locker and got my stuff "then why don't you date him?" I asked, she laughed a bit "no he's not my type" she laughed out, I closed my locker "anyway, I gotta go little bro" she walked away "I'm a few minutes older than you!" I yelled, she waved at me. Somebody put their hand on my shoulder, I turned around "hey Haru, are you ok?" Kai asked, I noticed he had some paper in his hand, I nodded smiling slightly "yeah I'm fine, let's go" I began walking, he followed me "Haru!" Somebody yelled after me, I stopped in my path and turned around, Hiroto was standing there with his little group "what do you want this time?" I asked, I noticed he was holding a piece of paper "so which one of us have you been looking at in the changing rooms?" One of his friends asked, I gave them a confused look "well one I always change in the stalls and two what are you talking about?" I asked, Hiroto showed me the paper "Haru Kirigaya is into guys" I read out, my eyes widened, I didn't want to be outed to the entire school "w-who did this-" I stopped talking, I grabbed the paper and scrunched it up "oh are you disappointed that we know now?" Himari asked, Hiroto glared over at her, I looked down "hey leave him alone!" Kai yelled, I threw the paper at his face "h-hey-" he dropped the posters on the ground, like I thought, the same ones that are now everywhere around the school, somehow I didn't notice them "shut up, just-" I didn't know what to say, nobody else knew except for my family and Kai "don't talk to me......." I walked away "Haru! Wait!" Kai yelled after me, I just kept walking. I got my phone out of my pocket and called my Dad who wasn't at work today "hello?" He asked, I sniffled a bit, I needed to get out of here before I broke into tears "can you come pick me up?" I asked, there was a moment of silence "is something wrong?" He asked, I looked back down the hallway, I saw Kai trying to catch up to me "I'll explain later just- please I don't want to be here" I sobbed "alright, go outside the school I'll come get you" Dad answered, I hung up and walked out of the school. I sat outside on a bench, Kai eventually caught up to me "Haru....." he put his hand on my shoulder, I pushed it away "go away I don't want to see you" I demanded, the bell went, I could hear footsteps leading away from me. I pulled my hood over my head since I decided to wear a hoodie over my uniform today, I used it to cover my crying face, Dad eventually showed up, I stood up from the bench and got into the seat beside him "we can talk about it when we get home" he reassured, I nodded and looked out the window. Once we got home I quickly got out of the car and went inside, Dad followed me, I sat down on the couch, Dad sat down next to me "I'll wait for you to talk when your ready ok?" He asked, I nodded, I stayed quiet for a bit just trying to calm myself down "w-well..... Kai was the only person other than you guys who knew about my sexuality...... and now the whole school knows because someone hung up posters everywhere, then I saw Kai drop some of those same posters" I explained "I'm sorry to hear that Haru" he pulled me into a hug, I rested my head in his shoulder. We stayed like this for a while "do you want to watch some TV with me?" He asked, I nodded and we let each other go, I wiped away my tears, Dad grabbed the remote and turned the TV on "don't worry the next time I see that boy I'll punch him" he 'reassured', I laughed slightly "ok" the news channel was on, Dad was about to change the channel when something caught his attention "Criminal Kikuoka Seijirou has escaped from his prison and is now on the run, he was in prison for performing an illegal scientific project and even murdering a number of people, one of them including the seventeen year old girl Tsuki Rozu" his eyes widened, I was confused "Dad?" I asked, he turned off the TV "don't worry about it kid, um, you should go into your room, your grandparents will be here any minute" he ruffled my hair, I nodded and stood up, I walked into my room and sat on my bed.

As I sat there for a moment I thought about what happened, somebody knocked on my window, I stood up and walked over to it, Kai was standing outside my window, I opened it "what do you want?" I asked "Haru please I didn't do it you have to believe me" he answered, I rolled my eyes "sure, that's why you were holding a bunch of posters" I was about to close the window, he stopped me "I was trying to take them all down! Please, I've been trying really hard just to gain your respect, why would I then do something like this?" He asked, I crossed my arms "other than my family your the only one who knew, who else would it have been?" I asked "I don't know Haru but I swear it wasn't me" he looked so pitiful, I thought about letting him in for a moment "Haru what can I do to make you believe me?" He asked, I shrugged "I don't know....." I answered, he thought for a moment "ok there is a group chat for our entire grade, I was added to it, what if I come out on the group chat?" He asked, I stared at him shocked "why would I ask you to do that when you obviously don't want anyone knowing considering you haven't said anything to anyone else" I argued, he climbed into my room "I don't care, I'll do it, I'll come out to the entire grade if it means I gain your friendship back" he sounded so honest, he grabbed out his phone "what are you doing?" I asked "what I said I would" he answered, I blushed a bit, he would really go that far to make me believe him? Did I just jump to conclusions? I think I probably did, I mean why would he use my sexuality to hurt me when he himself isn't straight? I grabbed his hand to stop him "you don't have to...... I believe you" I mumbled, he smiled a bit "I'll do it anyway" he pressed the send button, I stared at him shocked "now they can pick on both of us" he laughed a bit, I gave a small smile "I'm sorry that I ran off" I apologised, he shook his head "it's fine, I did look pretty suspicious" he responded, I hugged him "thankyou....." I whispered, he hugged me back. My door opened "what- I was ready to punch him....." Dad said, I turned to look at him "it wasn't him..... and he just came out to the entire grade to make me believe him" I explained, he glared at Kai for a moment "are you sure because I swear if you end up crying again because of him I will throw hands, I'm not kidding" he asked, I nodded "yes I'm sure...... he didn't do it, I jumped to conclusions and didn’t let him explain, I also think the fact that he skipped school should be enough to proof it" I answered, Dad nodded "mhm......" the door bell went off "stay in here, you too Kiyoshi, I want to have a chat with you" Dad closed the door. I let out a breath that I didn't realise I was holding "oh by the way, here's your note" he passed me a piece of paper, I took it "Grade Camp to Paris?" I asked, Kai nodded "yep and luckily it is before your birthday, do you think you'll go?" He asked, I thought for a moment "maybe.....what about you?" I asked, he nodded "my grandparents take every opportunity they can to give me great experiences" he answered, I smiled a bit "that's cool" I sat down on my bed, Kai sat down next to me "you know it's been 7 weeks since we met each other and we've already been through a lot of drama" Kai laughed out, I giggled a bit "yeah....." I noticed he was staring at me again "what is it?" I asked, he blushed and looked away "your laugh is cute" he mumbled, my cheeks dusted into a light pink "u-uh thankyou?" I responded. We both went quiet for a moment "your Dad is going to give me a big pep talk about not breaking your heart isn't he?" Kai asked, I nodded "yes" I answered, he sighed "well that'll take about an hour I guess" he looked around my room, he noticed my gamesphere "your a VR player?" He asked, I nodded "yeah, my Dad got me into VR" I answered, he nodded "maybe you should friend me, what games do you play?" He asked "uhh, mostly Alfeim Online and Gun Gale Online" I answered, he nodded "those ones are pretty old but still good, I normally play Gun Gale Online" he replied "that's cool, I guess I'll friend you then" he seemed offended "you guess, I'm hurt Haru" he spoke so dramatically, I rolled my eyes "keep going and I won't friend you" I threatened, he gasped "you wouldn't?" He spoke, I leaned in closer to him "don't test me" I whispered, he blushed a bit more and I moved away with a smile of achievement. The door opened "alright your in luck Kiyoshi, Eugeo got home early" Dad explained, Papa was standing beside him "what do you mean he's in luck? What were you going to do?" He asked, Dad rubbed his head awkwardly, I glared at him. Kai stood up and walked towards the door "hello I'm Kai Kiyoshi, it's a pleasure to officially meet you" he greeted Papa, Papa smiled "well, I did suggest that Haru invited you over but that didn't happen, would you like to stay for dinner?" He asked, Kai nodded "ok" he answered, I face palmed.

(Ha, all the drama)

Triple TroubleOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara