Chapter 10

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Haru's Pov
Hiro and Kai had stayed up almost all night trying to comfort me but none of their words reached me, not because I couldn't hear, they kept writing stuff down for me since only Hiro knew sign language. Now they were asleep because I had pretended to fall asleep and they finally let themselves rest but I couldn't sleep. The ringing in my ear was annoying me, I opened the small sliding door and got out if the room making sure not to wake Hiro or Kai, I closes the door and walked to the table, I sat down with Willow, she smiled gently at me and said something in sign language "did you sleep at all?" She asked, I shook my head, she sighed and pointed at the front, I looked at Dad who was sitting in the driver's seat, he wasn't driving but looking at me, he was saying something, I pointed at my ear to gesture I couldn't hear him "I'm deaf!" I think I might have yelled that because Papa had woken up, he looked back at me, he sighed and looked at Dad, they talked to each other for a moment, then Papa talked to me in sign language "your Dad wants to know if you're ok?" He said, I nodded "yeah I'm fine" I replied, obviously it was a lie, it was my birthday, my house blew up, my Pa died and I'm deaf, all in one night hooray!! Papa walked over to me, he sat down next to me a said something in sign language "we know you aren't ok, none of us are, your Pa meant a lot to so many people and it hurts that he is gone" he explained, I nodded "I know...." I mumbled, Papa hugged me for a moment then left me so he could go talk to Dad.

Eugeo's Pov
"Eugeo I know you've offered a bunch of times before now but.... could you teach me sign language? I want to be able to still talk to Haru" he asked, I smiled sweetly "of course Kirito, I'm glad that you care that much about your son" I kissed his cheek, he nodded "of course I care about him" he mumbled, I hugged him tightly, then I thought about how Renly and I used to hug Kirito like this when he woke up from a nightmare and how Renly used to hug me. I rested my head in his chest as small tears fell down my face "I'm so sorry Renly" I sobbed, Kirito wrapped his arms around me and stroked my hair supportively.

Time Skip
Haru's Pov
We had stopped at a diner to get some food "I'm going to the bathroom" I said, Papa nodded "be careful" he said in sign language, I just walked into the bathroom, which was empty, I looked around cautiously. Suddenly I was pushed against the wall, I looked at who did it, a man with black hair and blood red eyes was standing in front of me, he had bandages wrapped around his face. He pulled a knife out of his pocket and stabbed me, I screamed in pain. The man was pushed away from me by another man with light blue hair, he had one blue eye and one green, he was wearing a black Turtle neck shirt and a white cropped jumper, he also had blue jeans and knee high black leather boots. He looked at me, then looked back at my attacker, he stood up and wiped the blood away from his nose, I could see that he was saying something, he started visibly laughing, I looked at the blue haired man, Uncle Taiyo? I've never met him, I've only ever seen pictures. Taiyo moved back towards me, he made sure to hide me behind him.

Taiyo's Pov
Come on where is Kirito when you need him? The bandage guy ran towards me, I moved out of the way and dragged Haru with me, the guy stabbed my arm "I remember when your sister was shot! Everyone was so upset but you weren't there were you? You were too late and you never found them!" The guys was cackling like a hyena. I looked around, this guys is blocking the exit, I noticed somebody with a black hoodie run up behind the guy, they hit him in the head with a bat, the guy fell onto onto ground, the person took their hoodie off but they were still wearing a mask, they had blonde hair and a very obvious scar around his eye, he looked at Haru who was standing behind me, they stared at each other for a moment "Haru?!" I heard Kirito yell, I looked at the door, then looked back at where the boy in the hoodie was, he had disappeared, Kirito ran into the bathroom, he noticed me standing there with Haru behind me "Taiyo? What happened?" He asked, he noticed the stab wound in my arm "this guy attacked your kid" I looked at the floor, the guy was gone as well "well the guy that was here two seconds ago" I let Haru go "you alright buddy?" I asked, he pointed at his ears "I can't hear" I nodded "oh.... um" I looked at Kirito, he shrugged "I don't know sign language, he only just became deaf" I sighed "alright where is Eugeo?" I asked, Kirito lead me out to the van that was outside, Eugeo was waiting there with the other kids, I've only ever met Tsuki and Haru, then I disappeared for a while. Eugeo noticed me, he gasped and ran towards Haru and I, Haru was lead into the van, Eugeo looked at my arm for a moment "are you ok?" He asked, I nodded, he then punched my arm, I held it "ouch!!" I yelled "where the heck have you been?! Tsuki and Haru met you once, they don't remember you because you just suddenly disappeared!!" He yelled, I nodded "yes I'm aware.... ow~" I wined, it didn't hurt that much before but it hurts now. Eugeo grabbed my arm and dragged me into the van "ow! Ow! Ow!" My arm really hurts, Eugeo could at least show me some sympathy. He made me sit down at the table with Haru and went to get a first aid kit, Kirito was sitting in the driver's seat "we have to go" he started driving, Eugeo set the first aid kit down on the table, he looked at Haru, the kid lifted his shirt a bit to reveal the stab wound. I looked around the van I noticed a girl with blonde pig tails staring at me, she looked down, I smiled at her "it's ok I don't bite" I reassured, she smiled and came to the table, she stood near me "your my Uncle Taiyo right?" She asked, I nodded "yeah that's me..... you must be Tsuki" I held my hand out to her, she took my hand and shook it, then Eugeo grabbed my arm, I flinched "ow~ Eugeo show me some sympathy" he glared at me as he started to treat the stab wound "your an idiot Taiyo, we were all worried sick because we hadn't seen you in years, we were ready to call the police but you kept leaving us messages once a month to say you were ok" he kept scolding me as if I was one of his kids "ok Mum" he smacked me in the head "ow~" he finished with the wound and put a bandage around my arm "let's catch you up, Tsuki and Haru just turned 18, Renly died, Haru is deaf and we're on the run again because Kikuoka escaped prison and people are trying to kill us and our children and our children's friends!" Eugeo sounded like he was panicking, I looked at Alice and Yui who were sitting on the ground, they were playing with an elephant plushie, I looked at Eugeo again, he had tears in his eyes "come here" I pulled him into a hug, he's probably been so stressed with looking after his kids and kids that aren't his, trying his best to look after Kirito, who doesn't want to be looked after, he doesn't have time to look after himself. I noticed Eugeo had stopped moving, I looked at his face, he had fallen to sleep? He's really tired huh? "Kirito your husband fell to sleep, where do I put him?" I asked, he looked back "um..... put him on the bed that come out of the cupboard" I looked at the cupboard, I stood up leaving Eugeo in the chair, I pulled the bed out and dragged Eugeo onto it, then I just let him sleep.

Haru's Pov
That boy with blonde hair, he seems familiar but not in a way that I think I've met him before, I can't describe it but it's like he's related to me somehow, who is he? Could he be helping Guardian Angel? There were so many questions in my head.

Guardian Angel's Pov
I ran up to Kami, he was trying to get up but he looked injured, I noticed a bit of blood on his knee "idiot, you have to be more careful" I went over to help him stand up, I noticed he was actually smiling a bit, I put him back down and sat in front of him "what's with that smile?" I asked, he looked up at me "I was finally able to look him in the eyes....." he chuckled slightly, I smiled at him "Kami...." I pulled him into a hug "come on, we still have to protect them if you want to actually talk to all of them...." he nodded and I helped him stand up again "thanks Angel" we both walked to our bikes.

(Hey Taiyo, let's just hope you don't die like your sister)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2022 ⏰

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