Chapter 2

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Renly's Pov
I was standing outside the school waiting for the kids, the first one I saw was Alice running up to me, she had a big smile on her face "Pa!!!" She jumped into my arms, I smiled "I assume the first day was good then?" I asked as I put her down, she nodded "yes! Yes! Yes! I made lot's of friends!" She cheered, that's a relief "that's great Alice, I'm so proud of you" I pat her head, she went into the car, Tsuki and Haru walked together towards me, Tsuki looked rather excited while Haru looked annoyed "bye Haru!" This boy with red hair yelled, Haru just ignored him, he got into the car, I looked at Tsuki "who was that boy?" I asked, Tsuki smiled a bit "that was Kiyoshi" she answered before she got into the car. I got into the drivers seat "alright let's go home" I began to drive. Tsuki and Alice had a conversation on the way, Haru was completely quiet though. We eventually got home, everyone got out of the car "do any of you have homework?" I asked as we went inside the house "first day we never have homework" Tsuki answered, I nodded "I'll help Pa wash the dishes!" Alice offered, I giggled a bit "alright Alice you can help me, could you two go to the shops for me?" I asked the twins, Tsuki nodded "sure" Haru answered "get out of your uniforms first, if you want to sit down for a bit you can" I got my credit card out of my wallet and placed it on the counter, the twins went into their rooms. To change, I wonder who that boy was to Haru.

Kai's Pov
I got into my house where I was living with my grandparents "hey guys, I'm home" I announced myself, my grandmother was sitting on the couch "oh hello my boy, I'm sorry but we are out of pasta, would you be a dear and go get some from the shops once you finished changing?" She asked, I smiled sweetly "of course Grandma, I'll be back in a bit once I've changed" I walked into my room.

Haru's Pov
Tsuki and I had left the house and were walking down the street to the store "that boy really did seem nice, he also looked really sad when you walked away" Tsuki mentioned, I rolled my eyes "boo-hoo" I responded, she sighed "come on you've been wanting a friend forever and the one time somebody wants to be your friend you push them away" she whined, I walked ahead of her "you know why" I mumbled, she ran after me "sorry, yes I do know why but maybe give him a chance?" She asked, I stopped walking and glared at her "stop talking about him and leave me alone about it" I continued walking, Tsuki looked down and followed me. We got to the store "what did Pa need us to get?" Tsuki asked "pasta, meat and spaghetti sauce" I answered "oooh spaghetti!" She cheered, I rolled my eyes. We went into the freezer section for the meat, I grabbed some and walked away, Tsuki followed me, I went into the sauce section and grabbed some spaghetti sauce, I then went to the pasta section "jeez you walk so fast" Tsuki complained, I grabbed some pasta. Tsuki tapped on my shoulder, I looked at her "what?" I asked, she pointed somewhere, I looked at where she was pointing, Kai was standing there getting some pasta "we're leaving" I tried to walk away, Tsuki stopped me, she began to push me towards Kai "Tsuki stop!" She gave me a final push, I almost fell over but somebody stopped me from falling, I stood up straight, Kai was smiling at me "hey Haru" he greeted me, I looked at Tsuki, she smiled brightly, I clenched my fists "leave me alone both of you" I walked away from them both, they both seemed quite shocked "Haru wait!" Tsuki yelled after me. I got to the counter and paid for everything "thankyou" I mumbled, I then left the store, Tsuki quickly followed me "Haru! I'm sorry! I just believe that he really does want to be your friend!!" She yelled, I ignored her, I'm not falling for it again, I don't need another fake friend. The entire way home Tsuku was yelling after me trying to apologise "Haru! He is really- ugh!! Stop being selfish for once in your life!!!" She yelled, I stopped walking, she stopped a few metres away from me, I looked down, she covered her mouth realising what she just said "h-Haru I- I didn't mean-" "no it's fine.... your right after all, I'm selfish" I continued walking home, tears filled my eyes but I kept that hidden from Tsuki, we both got home and walked into the house, Dad and Papa were both back by now "thankyou-" I put everything on the bench and walked into my room not daring to look at anyone, I shut the door behind me and locked it, I sat on my bed and let the tears fall down my face gently, I layed down and just stared at the wall.

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