Chapter 9

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Haru's Pov
Explosions surrounded us, luckily everyone else was outside, only Pa and I were in here, Pa held me close to him and looked around for a possible escape. The roof suddenly collapsed, he pushed me to an open spot where I was less likely to be crushed, I landed on my stomach and closed my eyes as the roof finally collapsed, the ringing in my ears got louder. Pa.... I slowly opened my eyes, I tried to get up but something was stopping me, I looked back, a part of the roof was on my legs, I looked at where Pa was, I could see his hand resting on the ground but I couldn't see anything else "Pa?...." I whispered but I couldn't hear myself and I couldn't hear an answer "Pa?" I called out a bit louder, still no answer to be heard "Pa, please answer" I pleaded, still no answer, I felt the weight on my legs get removed, I looked back, I could see somebody with light purple hair wearing a mask, he lifted me to sit up "I-i'm fine! B-but Pa i-isn't answering" I sobbed.

Angel's Pov
I heard somebody start to laugh as I lifted Haru, I looked up, somebody was standing there, he was completely unrecognisable, he had blood red eyes and bandages wrapped around his face and arms, I could see some black hair hanging out "you really think Renly is still alive? After this?" He mocked, my partner showed up and stood in front of me protectively "hm..... so you know Haru? If you get hurt, Haru gets hurt and if Haru gets hurt so does our dear Star King~" the man laughed, who is this guy? "Put your hands up!" A female voice yelled, it sounded..... Australian? I looked in the direction the voice came from, a girl with black hair and dark blue eyes had a gun pointed at the man. She wore a completely black outfit, black leather jacket and black leather skin tight pants, along with black knee high leather boots (I like leather outfits don't judge) my eyes widened "w-Willow?" I whispered. The man laughed "till we meet again" he began to run, Willow went after him. I looked at my partner "I've got Renly, you look after Haru" he reassured, he went over and lifted the roof off of Renly effortlessly, he lifted Renly's upper body into his arms.

Small Time Skip
Kirito's Pov
I finally found Haru "Haru! Where's your Pa?" I asked, he didn't answer, the person who was holding him up kept his face hidden "he's there but he's not responding" the voice sounded male "Haru hasn't responded to anything, I think he may be deaf because of the explosions" the boys added, he looked at me "look after them" he wasn't talking to me, I looked behind me to see a girl with short black hair, beside her was Wraith and Yui, I looked back at where Haru was and the other boy was gone, I then looked at where he said Renly was, Renly was completely unconscious. I gasped and rushed over, I crouched down next to him, blood had already soaked his clothes, it spread across the ground "no....." I whispered, I lifted his head into my chest "Renly....." tears filled my eyes, Wraith sat down next to me while the two girls went to Haru. I felt a soft hand rest on my cheek, I looked down at Renly, he had his eyes open and was smiling at me "Renly! Hold on it'll be ok!" I reassured, he shook his head "you and I both know I won't make it....." he whispered, I shook my head "no! Don't say that! You'll be ok!" I yelled "Kirito....." I looked him in the eyes, he smiled sweetly, I knew he was right, I just wish it wasn't true "I'm sorry" I sobbed, he shook his head "don't blame yourself.... I love you..... and tell Eugeo and the kids that I love them...." he requested, I nodded "of course" I replied, he pulled me down gently to whisper something "Kami...." he whispered, I was confused. Haru crawled over to us "Pa...." he sobbed, Renly looked at him "it's ok Haru..... stay cool" he said, Haru seemed confused "what are you saying?" He asked, that's right, the boy said he might be deaf, Renly closed his eyes, Haru looked shocked and scared "Pa!" He yelled, to no response, he rested his head on Renly's chest "Pa..." I put my hand on his shoulder "it's ok..... he will be with his real soulmate" I reassured, Haru kept crying "I can't hear anything" he sobbed. Even though Eugeo, Renly and I really did love each other, the truth is Renly's heart has always belonged to his first Alpha.

Renly's Pov
"Renly" I opened my eyes, I looked up, my Alpha Haru was standing in front of me, he held his hand out to me, I grabbed his hand and he helped me up "a-am I dead?" I asked, he nodded "you've done amazing my Dear Renly" he pulled me into a hug, I smiled and hugged him back "come on Squishy Cheeks, let's go!" I let Haru go and turned around, Tsuki had her hand held out to me, I smiled and took her hand with my free hand, the two lead me away.

Eugeo's Pov
I was waiting with everyone else on the driveway, Kirito told me to stay and look after Alice and Tsuki. I was about to go in myself and look for them but there was no need, first I saw Yui and Haru, Yui was holding up Haru with his arm wrapped around her shoudler and next a girl with black hair "Willow?!" Tsuki yelled, she ran up to the black haired girl and hugged her, Willow hugged back. Next was Kirito holding a completely unconscious Renly in his arms, like a princess. I covered my mouth "n-no...." I ran over to Kirito "is he ok?" I asked, Kirito shook his head sadly, I looked at Renly's face, why? Why does this have to happen again?

Tsuki's Pov
I held onto Willow tighter as tears fell down my face, she held my head on her shoulder "I'm sorry..... I couldn't protect your family like I was supposed to" she whispered, I was confused but just ignored it for now, I looked up from her shoulder and saw Yui put Haru on the ground, he looked completely shocked, I let Willow go and wlaked to him, I crouched down in front of him "Haru?" I asked, he didn't answer, I put my hand on his shoulder "Haru?" I asked, he looked up at me "what?" He asked, I was confused "I just said your name" I answered, he had no reaction "I can't-..... I-I can't hear you" he stuttered, my eyes widened "Haru...." I pulled him into a hug, he hesitantly hugged me back, Kiyoshi and Hiroto ran over, they both sat down with me and Haru "hey Haru?" Kiyoshi asked, I shook my head "he can't hear" I whispered, Kiyoshi gasped and Hiroto looked down sadly. He lost his hearing and his Pa on the same night "Eugeo please stay here, I'll go get the camper" I heard Dad whisper, I looked over at Dad and Papa, Papa was on the ground sobbing over Pa's body, Dad started to run somewhere, the rest of us just waited patiently.

Ojo's Pov
I heard Haru say something about not being able to hear, so I walked over to him, I crouched down next to him, I'm assuming that Renly and Eugeo would have taught him sign language so I tried to talk to him that way, I tapped on his shoulder, he looked at me "is there a ringing in your ear?" I asked in sign language, he nodded, I smiled sweetly "I can help you as soon as I get the right equipment, so please be patient for a while" I said in sign language, he nodded and looked down. Sinon walked over to me "are they all ok?" She asked, I sighed "Haru has gone deaf" I replied, she gave him a sympathetic look, then she looked over at Eugeo and Renly "I thought we were done with this bullshit" she mumbled, I nodded in agreement "I guess we'll never really be done huh?" I replied, she took my hand and rubbed it with her thumb, I would have been flustered if it wasn't for the fact that I felt miserable, how many people will have to die this time?......

Kirito's Pov
I came back with the camper van, it wasn't the same one we had when we first did all of this, it had more room. I got out of the van and walked over to the kids "we'll head to the secret lab in the forest" Ojo whispered to me, I nodded "alright, Eugeo, Tsuki, Haru, Alice, Yui, um Willow and...." I looked at Kiyoshi and Hiroto, they are a part of this too now "Hiroto and Kiyoshi, in the van" I walked over to Eugeo and put my hand on his shoulder "we have to leave him here Eugeo.... remember what happened when we gave Tsuki a funeral?" I asked, he nodded and stood up, he covered his mouth as he stared down at Renly's dead body. I also felt like breaking down and crying but I'll hold myself together for a little longer, I gently grabbed Eugeo's hand and dragged him towards the van, Tsuki stood up with Haru, Kiyoshi and Hiroto, Yui and Willow walked to us, we all got in the van "ok..... um just choose who you feel comfortable with to share a room with" there were four room in the van, the main room with the kitchenette and the table, the room at the very back and the room on top of that and one on the side on the van as the bathroom. Haru of course got the room at the back so he didn't have to climb and he was accompanied by Hiroto and Kiyoshi, Yui, Tsuki, Alice and Willow got the room above, they all went into their said room except for Willow, Eugeo just sat in the passenger seat hugging his knees, I sat in the driver's seat and Willow sat at the table. I began to drive, all the other cars followed us, I decided to start a conversation with Willow "so.... who are you and what are enough doing here?" I asked, she sighed "I was sent by Ojo along with Wraith and Yui to protect you and your family" she explained, I nodded "right...." I mumbled.

???? Pov
"87?" Angel asked me, putting his hand on my shoulder, I sighed "it's Kami" I corrected him, he seemed confused, I looked at him "my name.... my name is Kami" I said again, he smiled "you finally figured out what you wanted to call yourself?" He asked, I looked down and shook my head "no.... somebody else gave me this name" I walked over to my bike, it had a silencer on it so that they wouldn't notice us following them, Angel got onto his bike, we both put our helmets on and began to drive.

(Welp..... I'll cry with you guys because I love Renly)

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