Chapter 13 - Beach day

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"Kirst, wake up, hun." He shook her shoulder, the omega still being fast asleep, as he hadn't told her they needed to leave soon. "Come on, sleepy head."

With a yawn, she stretched, and reached out to give him a hug like she always did when she saw him, smiling.

"Morning." She hummed.

"Morning, Kit. I've got a surprise for you today, so you got to go get dressed." He told her. He had already packed a bag of what she'd need when they got there, so he didn't ruin the surprise. She'd probably figure it out before they got there anyways, but he didn't mind keeping up the joke for a bit longer.

"Where are we going?" She asked, confused.

"Don't worry about it. I packed for you." He smiled.

Once she was dressed she went to put her hair up, and ran into Esther on her way back to the bedroom. "Good morning Kirst!" the beta exclaimed, and Kirstie grinned, initiating the hug this time. She'd decided that Esther was nice, and reminded her of Scott. He was nice too.

Esther smiled, it being a nice surprise. "You excited?" She hummed. Kirstie nodded.

"Alpha won't tell me where we're going." She pouted jokingly.

"Well I was sworn to secrecy, but I can tell you that it involves an ice cream just for you." Esther teased, making Kirstie laugh. That sounded really fun. Avi was so thoughtful.

She was a lot more bubbly today, excited to get to do this with Avi. All of the excitement made her forget about the nerves of impressing his family for a while, and so she climbed into the car next to him, still practicing bouncing in her seat.

"Okay, calm down just a little bit, Kit. Can't have you bouncing out of the car." He joked, taking her hand in his, they were shaking slightly, and for once he couldn't tell if it was of nerves or excitement.

By the time they were pulling through the front gates to the parking area, her suspicion was confirmed, and she was a bit more nervous now.

"Avi?" She asked softly, and he could tell something was wrong when she said his name like that.

"Yeah?" He hummed.

"I've never been here before." She warned him, not wanting to embarrass him as she didn't know what to do.

"It's okay. You hadn't been to my parents either." he soothed, not fully understanding what she meant. Of course she hadn't been to this beach before, it was super far from their house.

She nodded, and was clinging to his side when they crawled out. She wasn't really sure what she was and wasn't allowed to do, so staying close to Avi seemed like the best option.

"Where do you want to go first?" Esther asked her after a moment, and Kirstie shrugged, having no idea what to do.

"Okay, well, let's get changed first. Then we can check out the water." She offered, smiling. Kirstie looked to Avi for confirmation, a side-smile in her face once she got a nod to go follow Esther. She'd gotten changed, into a swimsuit, under a shirt of Avi's so she felt a bit more comfortable.

She had waited for Esther, knowing that she'd be the person to talk about this to. Avi was nice, but this was too embarrassing, and she didn't want to ruin his day out. He'd probably just laugh at her anyways.

"Hey, Uh, Esther?" She asked, a little adult.

"Yes Kirst?" she asked, passing the girl some sun cream so they didn't burn in the water, as that was always one of the easiest places to burn. "What's up?" She asked when she noticed the girl hesitating.

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