chapter 10-Hospitalized

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It had been about a week, and Kirstie had seemed to be doing slightly better. She was able to get back to her daily housework routine and such. She wasn't feeling a hundred percent but decided to just keep it to herself. Alpha Avi was so worried last time she got a little sick, and she didn't want to upset him.

Mitch had been acting much kinder to her. He would help her in the kitchen and stopped yelling at her. The newer pack member just wasn't sure if that was just because he didn't want to get in trouble.

Her symptoms seemed to come back. However, The brunette kept it to herself, as not to worry the others.

On this particular afternoon, Avi was at the bank with Kevin, working out some financial facts for the pack. Kirstin was feeling quite lightheaded and dizzy while she prepared a meal for the pack once they two appeared at home.

"Hey, Kit. Do you wanna watch something with me and Mitchy?" The baritone alpha asked politely once she was finished.

"Are you sure? I-" she trailed off, a moment of vertigo taking over.

"Kirstin? Are you okay?" Mitch had asked her, his tone laced with concern.

"Yeah, sorry. I must have zoned out for a moment." The woman promised.

"Alright then, " Scott's voice wavered, unconvinced of her statement. "Why don't you come over and chill with us?"

The girl nodded, "okay, Alpha Scott." She smiled walking over.

Halfway from the kitchen into the living room, the brunette had to stop to regain her balance.

"Kirstie? You good?"

"Mhmm." She mumbled, too overcome with vertigo to respond.

Suddenly, she collapsed. Falling to the floor, her loud gasps slowly fading to soft twitches and jerks. Finally, her eyes rolled back and her body began to shake lightly.

"Oh, god." Mitch gasped.

"Mitch, call Alpha Avi. Tell him to meet us at the hospital." Scott instructed.

He waited until the shaking dies down to pick her up, as he was afraid that picking her up while seizing would make it worse.

He loaded the two omegas into the car, Mitch sitting next to Kirstie and stroking her hair in a soothing motion.

He knew the sooner they were at the hospital, the better.

Avi and Kevin had been joking around on the car ride back from the bank. They had to do a few financial things and update their pack information, as they now had two new members. When the sheet had asked if any of them were mated, the alpha heard the beta mumble,
"I don't know, something You and Kirstie aren't telling me?"

Which had started a playful argument? Kevin was driving the two home when they for a phone call from Mitch.

"Hey, Mitch. What's up?"

"Alpha Avi?" Mitch questioned. "You and Kevin need to get to the hospital asap. Something happened to Kirstie."

"What? What happened is she okay?" Avi questioned, eyebrows drew together in worry.

"Sh-she just collapsed." Mitch whimpered, clearly worried about the girl. "Scott and I are taking her to the hospital."

With that, Avi hung up, instructing the beta of the situation.

Oh, god. Was she okay?

The ride to the hospital was silent, both men apprehensive as of if their pack member was okay.

Once in the building, they quickly approached the front desk.

"Excuse me, ma'am. I need to see Kirstin Maldonado." Avi asked worriedly. He had to see her.

"I'm sorry, sir. We can only allow family members inside the room." The nurse smiled apologetically.

"She's my mate." Avi lied. Any other day, any other person, he would wait, but Kirstin was special to him.

"Oh. This way, sir." The nurse leads him to the appropriate room. Unfortunately, he had to leave the trio behind in the waiting room.

When they walked in Kirstie was still asleep on a mattress. She was connected to a few complicated machines. Adorable little snores left her mouth.

The alpha just sat there with her for a few hours, holding her small hand in his larger one, rubbing his thumb over her buckles soothingly.

The small girl stirred, her eyes fluttering open and scanning the room in a panic.

"Kirstie!" The alpha wrapper her in his arms. "You sure did scare us all." He whispered into her hair.

"Sorry alpha. I don't really know what happened." She frowned.

"The doctor's said you had a seizure. You had an episode of Syncope." He explained.

"What's si-a-cop?" Her eyebrows knitted together. Avi found her pronunciation adorable.

"It means your blood pressure fell. When you stand and all of the blood goes to the lower half, and your brain doesn't get enough blood."

"Oh." The omega nodded. " I didn't mean to scare you."

The male chuckled. "It's not your fault. How could you have known." He assured. "Now drink some water. I don't want that happening again." The Cup was placed in her hand as she did what he requested.

For the next day, Avi was incredibly over-protective. He growled at anyone that just about looked at her, all the while making sure she kept her blood pressure up.

Kirstie found it hilarious. The look on different alpha's and beta's face when he wrapped his arm around her. They all seemed immensely intimidated by him. Alpha Avi was just a big, cuddly teddy bear to her, how could he scare anyone else. Finally, when she was discharged, Avi leads her out, letting her lean on him for support. The other's, Kevin especially, met her with a giant hug each. She laughed at the group's reactions.

She wasn't really used to anyone but Kevin caring when she got hurt. It was always, "just get back up and do your job"

That night at home, Alpha Avi treated her like a princess.

"Alpha." She whined, "I'm okay. Really, you don't have to worry about me."

"I'll always worry about you. Who wouldn't think about the cutest omega in existence?"

The smaller two flushed a dark pink color. Wow, this pack really did care about her, didn't they?

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