Chapter 2-Saturday Breakfast

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In the morning, Kevin was the first one up. He had decided he should cook breakfast as a thank you to the pack for letting them stay there. And so, he got up did so. Nothing too special, just pancakes, but it's the thought that counts right? He hummed a tune, soon turning into an angelic voice as he cooked. "It's the sign of the times," he sang out. "Welcome to the final shows hope you wearing your best clothes!"  smiling to himself, he finished plating the breakfast and placing it onto the table. Soon later, Scott had come downstairs. "Hey, Kev. Don't the betas have some exam today?" Scott had turned towards him, the plate of food still out of sight. "Yeah, Kirst and I will be put in the hour. I made breakfast as a thank you for letting us stay the night." he motioned towards the table. well, if Kirstin isn't a beta, why doesn't she stay here?" Scott had suggested. "I mean, it would only be a few hours. We'd love to have her," he added. Now, in any other place with anyone else Kevin would have declined, but the man had already built a small aura of trust with these people. There was no scent of dishonesty and the warm smile sure wasn't helping. Kirstin seemed to trust these people too, which was rare for her.  She was always very guarded.  It wasn't hard for Kevin to see the immediate connection she had with the lead alpha. Kevin could admit he too thought Avi was an okay guy."Ok.." Kevin had trailed off, "But I'm coming straight back afterward." he rationalized to himself, saying it out loud to remind himself to keep a guard up. Scott nodded happily, excited that he had managed to convince the beta. After informing Kirstie, Kevin hesitantly left to his testing. A few minutes later, Avi and Mitch headed downstairs to see Scott in front of the breakfast. "Hi, Alpha!" Mitch greeted joyously, earning a hug and kiss on top of his head from his mate."Hey Mitchy." he greeted. "Kevin made this. He had to go to some beta testing, so Kirstie is hanging out here," he informed. Avi nodded, smiling at the mention of the girl. "I think they would both be great additions to our pack. Kevin is really smart, and Kirstin is just darn adorable." Scott had commented, causing Mitch to frown. Did his alpha prefer her over him? He didn't like the thought of Kirstin joining the pack if she would take his alpha away. "I agree. I'll make the official offer once their both home and then if they accept we can start on the paperwork." Avi spoke up. The conversation moved onto lighter topics before soft footsteps padded down the stairs. "Good morning," the brunette greeted softly. Avi smiled down at her, seemingly in awe of her amazing smile. "Hey, Kirst." Scott greeted, the others doing a version of the same thing, although Mitch's came out a little more aggressive than friendly. "Thank you for letting Kevin and I stay here." Kirstie beamed with a wide grin, causing Avi to suppress an 'awe.' "I slept well, and I felt safe!" she gushed, the two alphas smiles faltered for a moment. Had she not felt safe every day?

"Of course! We're glad to have you here." Avi responded. She nodded and joined the conversation.

"May I eat, alpha?" she asked quietly.

Avi nodded, "You don't have to ask something like that," he frowned at the stench of fear she admitted when asking to eat. She nodded confusedly and began eating.

Once everyone had finished eating, Kirstin stood to take everyone's plate.

"What are you doing?" Scott asked confusedly. "The dishes. Do you want me to do something else?" she asked softly. "I-I'm sorry if I'm doing it wrong! Please don't be mad!" she quickly apologized. "No-no-no" Avi soothed. "You're fine, just know that you only have to wash your own plate." "R-really? You don't want me to do all the cleaning?" she asked with a raised eyebrow. Alex had always made her do everything, as it was her job as the pack omega. "No, not at all." Scott pipped in. "Why don't you and Mitchy go watch something together? If that's alright with you, babe?" he turned towards Mitch. "Sure!" Scott's loyal mate smiled, pulling Kirstie around the corner. Once out of sight down the hall, his smile fell. "So, what do you want to watch?" she asked politely. The young girl was just trying her best to make a new friend."I don't want to watch anything with you. Yours just gonna take up all of my alphas time!" he yelled. Kirstie whimpered at the angered tone."I-I'm sorry, I'm not going to do anything though!" she promised in hopes to calm the slightly taller man."Whatever. Just be quiet and don't talk to me." he spat, turning on a random horror movie. "Did-Did I do something wrong?" she asked with a small frown. She had somehow made him dislike her within two minutes."No, I just don't want to be around someone like you," he growled. Kirstin let off a faint scent of fear and sadness. She was used to this smell by now with how often she was upset. "Kit? You smell frightened, what's wrong?" Avi perked his head around the curtain. She looked over at the fellow omega only to be met with an icy glare. Kirstie contemplated explaining the situation but thought that it would just make him hate her even more."N-nothing Sir. Just a jump scare," she whimpered. The bearded alpha could tell something was going on, but he would give her the benefit of the doubt and just keep an eye on her.The female omega didn't know how to feel. Mitch and Scott made her feel really safe, and they gave her a safe place to be. She knew that Kevin and Alpha Avi would make great friends. Mitch would be the only one she'd have to convince. I'll do it for Kevin.She decided. After all, there was no way that would happen. This pack had two strong alphas and a caring omega. This pack had a warehouse and food. This pack had perfect test scores. they were powerful.That's right, this pack was powerful, and she was just problematic.

Powerful or Problematic: PTX PackUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum