Chapter 8-Sick

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The pack finally settled down for a good night of sleep. In the morning, A series of high pitched sneezes sounded from Kirstin's bedroom.

The others in the house paid no mind to the noise, going about their daily plans. It was only around the breakfast time they had begun to worry when she hadn't made an appearance.

"I'll go check up on her." Avi smiled. He padded up to the stairs, knocking on her bedroom door.

"Hey, it's just me, Avi. You okay?" He called through the door.

"Yes, alpha." Came the hoarse reply. "I'm just not feeling the best."

"Could I come in?" He asked, earning a quick noise of confirmation.

Frowning, Avi walked into a sight that broke his heart.

His girl was shivering in cold sweats. His girl? He couldn't call her that yet.

"Awe, Kirstie. What's wrong?" He went over to her side. Her cheeks were red, eyes bloodshot, with a runny noae to match. Somehow, she still seemed like the most beautiful woman he had ever met, despite her sickness.

"Everything hurts and I'm dying." She mumbled, suppressing a whimper of pain. The male chuckled sadly, putting a hand on her forehead.

"You're burning up," he commented. "No chores today, you're not well enough for that." The alpha proclaimed with a warm smile peering down on her.

"You sure, alpha? I could still try." A pair of big, doughy brown eyes locked onto his.

"No, it's okay. Just stay here, sweetheart." Avi kissed her head. The omega blushed, although Avi couldn't notice it under the fever. Why was alpha Avi so nice to her?

"I'll have to call a doctor." Avi sighed.

"Kevin's a doctor." She reminded him.

"Huh." Avi nodded, impressed.

He then went down the steps and informed the newly established doctor. Soon enough, Kevin had examined Kirstie and made a diagnosis.

"Omega flu. A lot of abused omegas are reported to have gotten it since their bodies aren't used to eating this much. It could last from 2 days to a week."

Avi frowned as he heard Kirstin whimper. It broke him to see her sad. He loved her, Qvi really did, and seeing her in pain was torture.

"Okay, thanks, Kevin. I'll take care of her."

Kevin nodded, reluctantly leaving Kirstin alone. He was still a bit unsure of leaving her in such a vulnerable state alone with an alpha.

"Have to reschedule the pack inspection too." He mumbled.

"I'm sorry," Kirstie frowned.

"It's not your fault, you couldn't have known you were gonna get sick. They'll just have to come back another day. I have an idea. Why don't we watch a movie together?" The alpha chatted, pulling the medicine she needed from the bathroom cabinet.

Kirstie nodded shyly. "If that's ok with you?"

Avi grinned and gave her the medicine she took graciously. Picking her up, she squealed as Avi carried her to his room. Soon, the two had settled on some Disney movie.

It was a perfect moment of bliss. He just held the petite figure close to his chest.

"Alpha?" She whimpered.
"Yes, my little rose?"

Kirstin blushed but continued her question.

"What does the pack inspector do?"

"Did your old pack not have one?" He raised an eyebrow

"W-we did." She stammered. "But they never met me. Alpha Alex always said that they wouldn't care about someone as low of rank as me." tears welled up in her eyes as she retold the statements he made her believe.

"Oh, sweetie." He gasped "What he told you were lies. You're a beautiful flower that everyone deserves to see." He kissed her head once again.

"Alpha." She whined. "I don't want to get you sick!" Avi smiled fondly at her.

"You have a type of flu only omegas get, I'm safe." He laughed.

Sadly, as the day progressed, Kirstie got even sicker. She was coughing, sneezing, and could barely keep down any food. The young girl was clearly in pain.

"That's it, this has to be more than the Omega flu. I'm calling a doctor." The alpha sighed. He had never dealt with a pack member with sickness this bad.

"P-please don't leave me," she begged. The omega was scared to death he would deem her unlovable and leave forever after she couldn't do her chores.

"Oh, my rose. I'll be right back. I'm just calling the doctor to get you an appointment." Avi promised her. He was almost angry. Not at her, of course, the alpha male didn't think he could ever do that. He was engaged that someone hurt her before he could protect her. It was to the point that he had vowed he would find the man that hurt her and show them the same medicine.

And so, the alpha had called the doctor and booked an appointment. After describing her symptoms, he could only get an appointment for tomorrow morning. If it were any other pack members he would understand, but Kirstin was special. Or at least Avi thought she was.

All he could do was wait. Wait, and hope she was okay.

He had no idea how scared waiting could make a man.

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