Chapter 11-Mate?

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Kirstin had been home for a few weeks, and it was finally time. Avi had waited a few days to build up the courage, whilst Kirstie built back up her strength. The doctors had said that because she was used to eating little to nothing on the streets, her body had finally adjusted to eating a normal amount of food, too little could cause her blood sugar to drop. That's why she fainted and apparently, it could happen again sometime soon if they weren't careful. But he couldn't think of that now, he had bigger plans.  Today, he was going to ask Kirstie to be his omega.

He had fallen in love with everything about her, from her side smile to her cute little blush. He loved the way she cared for everyone. She was clearly made for him, the moon goddess had made her his pair.

But before he could even think of asking her, he'd have to ask Kevin about it. Those two were extremely and close and he wanted Kevin's blessing. He knew Kirstin wouldn't do it if Kevin didn't trust him.

"Hey, Kevin. Can we talk? It's about Kirstie." Avi asked nervously. The beta nodded confusedly.

"What's up? Is she okay?"

"Oh, yeah, she's fine. It's just, I really like Kirstin. I know you two are like family, so I want your blessing to ask her to be my omega."

"If you don't ask her soon I'll kick your teeth in," Kevin smirked.

"I know what you're- what?"  Avi stumbled on his words.

"I see the way you two look at each other. I can tell she sees something special in you. Kirstie deserves a good man in her life. Just know, she's been through a lot. You better not hurt her."

Avi nodded. "I could never dream of it."

With that, the beta left him to finalize his plans. He knocked off the omega's bedroom door.

"Hey, Kit. Can we talk?" He asked.

"Yes, alpha. What's Wrong?" she pursed her lips. Did he not want her anymore now that she wasn't as healthy?

"I want you to be Omega." He smiled at her. "I want to mate you, would you accept me as your mate?" He asked, his eyes pleading that she would say yes.

"Y-your letting me choose?" She gasped, surprised. Alex had never asked her permission, he just did it.

"Of course. Will you be my mate?" The male smiled.

"If you'll still take me. My last alpha marked me. I'm not clean." Her eyes brimmed full of tears. The alpha gently pulled her into his arms. "That doesn't matter to me. You're amazing." He smiled.

The omega smiled up at him. "I'll be your mate,

The male smiled, tightening his grip around her waist.

"Can I kiss you?" He asked softly, earning a nod.

Leaning down, their lips connected and sparks erupted in Kirstin's stomach. This was what a kiss should feel like?

When Alex kissed her it was wrong. His lips were cold, rough, possessive.

But alpha Avi held her lovingly. His kiss was soft and gentle as if he didn't want to break her.

"You have no idea how long I've wanted to call you mine." He mumbled against her lips.

Kirstin looked up at the alpha.

"Y-you do think I'm b-broken?"  She whispered. Was he just trying to manipulate her so he could use her for his own enjoyment?

"Kirstin Maldanado. You are a kind, smart and absolutely adorable." He took her small hand into his softly, pulling her closer into his warm embrace. "You are not broken. You're a perfect mate. Thats why I'm so happy I have you."

It was in that moment, Kirstin knew she had found someone that truly loved her for her.

"But, I'm unpure." She whimpered, remembering the memory. "H-he used me. I said no, i always, say no." Kirstie whimpered, breaking into a sob.

Would he reject her now that he knew?

Anger began to rise in his chest, they weren't bound yet, but he could feel that air of protection surround him. He needed to take this man down.

"Shh, it's okay." The alpha soothed, pulling her into his arms.

"You're safe now. I don't care about that. I only care that you are in my arms." He rubbed her back confortingly.

"Alpha? I don't think I'm ready to be marked again. Not after him." Her sobs began to slow to quite sniffles.

"Okay, I'll wait for you to be ready. I already feel a connection with you, and i promise I'll never push you into something you don't want to do." He kissed her forehead gently.

"W-why? Why do you care? I-i'm not powerful like you. I'm just problematic." She sniffled.

"We're all a little broken, it's what makes us strong. And i love you, Kirstin Maldanado."  His arm tightened protectively around her waist.

"I-I think i love you too, alpha." She smiled.

Maybe, just maybe, she was stronger that she thought.

Powerful or Problematic: PTX Packحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن