Chapter 14 - Chill day chaos

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They had decided that, for Kirstin's sake, they'd have a pretty quiet night in for the rest of the night. Avi did make her go up to shower before she was allowed to cuddle him, though, as she'd need to get changed and wash the saltwater out of her hair. She felt a bit off balance standing, not really registering it as anything other than being her clumsy-self. She was back downstairs pretty quickly, but he'd still beaten her to the couch, despite the fact that he'd gotten in the upstairs bathroom after she went to the bathroom attached to the guest room.

"Done?" He asked, getting a nod, and she opened her arms hopefully, giving Avi insight into how she felt. She was always very cuddly, though a she would only really ask for it herself when tired or nervous, and she felt like she was hit with both right now.

"Come here sleepy." He chuckled, letting her cuddle him, slowly creeping onto his lap, her Omega seeking comfort.

"She's so cute." Esther chuckled, looking over at the two love birds. "She's very jumpy though. Where did you find her?" she asked.

"She sort of came to us. Found her and a beta together." He told her, a bit apprehensive to explain what had happened to her. He wanted Kirstie to be awake and listening when he did that.

"Kevin, right? She mentioned a Beta named Kevin. She said I was like him." Esther explained.

"That's a huge compliment. Kirstie absolutely adores Kev." Avi chuckled. He hadn't expected Kirstie and his sister to get on so well, she was his annoying older sister after all, but he was glad that Kirstie had a female friend she could turn to.

"I figured as much, the way she talked about him." Esther nodded, smiling slightly at the thought of the conversation. "She still doesn't seem to be great around people." She hummed, not trying to be mean, but wanting to learn more of the Omega.

"Yeah, Kirst has some pretty bad anxiety issues, we're working on it." He assured her softly, as he gently rubbed his hand up and down Kirstin's back. "Just needs a lot more reassurance and such. She was terrified you guys would hate her." He sighed, the idea being awful to him, as who wouldn't love her?

"Awe, poor thing. She's definitely very sweet, we really do love her." Esther frowned.

Kirstie woke up then, her plan of sleeping and recharging herself clearly failing when she felt shakier and a bit sick, different to earlier. She felt a bit like this when she had that bug and ended up having the medical exam with Avi, and after when she ended up in the hospital. She didn't connect the two though and decided she just hadn't eaten enough or drunk enough.

"Avi, I'm hungry." She mumbled, stretching to wake herself up. Esther couldn't hold back her smile; even whilst stretching the Omega was tiny.

"Well, we can't have that, can we?" He teased, shifting her so he could stand up without picking her up with him. "What are you in the mood for? I'm sure I can make something for you."

She hummed in thought, shrugging. "I don't mind." She told him, as anything that would help her small headache go away was good enough, so Avi decided he'd go with her favorite, being a treat she hadn't had in a while.

"Okay. Let me go make you something." He nods, leaving the room. She leans back into the couch, biting back a whine. Maybe she should have eaten more at lunch?

"Are you feeling okay, Kirst?" Esther asked softly, making the Omega let out a non-committal noise.

"Feel weird." She told her, being honest as Kevin had lectured her so many times to be honest about her health.

"How so?" She asked, not going into beta mode but was definitely interested. She didn't want her new friend being ill or anxious. Based on what Avi said she was sure Kirstie had some mental health issues they'd need to address at some point. They'd need to work with Kevin too, as she knew that Betas hid their feelings better than most. That's often why they have the highest suicide rate. They're born into a crazy amount of pressure but are expected to act like robots, and with familial stress on top of that, it was really hard.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2021 ⏰

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