Chapter 5-Pack Invitation

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Kirstin had pulled herself together and promised Avi she was alright. Reluctantly, the alpha let her go on to the guest room. He was worried about her. Most alphas are put off when they feel future pack members are "broken," but Avi just wanted these two off the streets. Kirstin was the sweetest girl he'd ever met, and Avi knew he'd love to have someone like that with his pack.

The fact she was absolutely adorable didn't hurt either.

Kevin was an incredible beta, and Avi was sure Kevin had great testing scores. The pair seemed to be attached by the hip, and everyone picked up on the fact they were a package deal. Once Kevin came home, the pack alpha's officially invited them into the pack. To say the alpha males weren't nervous would be a huge lie. These two just brought an energy that the trio really needed in their lives.

"Kevin, Kirstin. We would like to add you both as official members of the trio pack. We want to up our numbers to the Penta's," Avi smiled. The two in front of them were speechless. They seemed to have a silent conversation. Kirstin gave a single nod, causing Kevin to speak up.

"We accept your offer." he smiled.
The four talked, having a lively conversation. They soon informed Mitch of the news. Later, that evening, Kevin had walked in on Scott and Avi talking quietly.

"Now that they're under our protection, we protect them with our lives," he said sternly. Scott nodded, "wouldn't have it any other way."

Kevin was in awe. No one had ever acted this way towards him after being known for such a short time.

The next few days, Kirstie tried to be as nice as possible to Mitch. Secretly, the brunette woman just hoped he would stop being so mean to her. So far, it had only been a few small things. If they were in the living room and he broke a vase, he would blame it on Kirstin, even if he did it on purpose. The female omega was scared to death to tell on him. Luckily, the alpha's had always dismissed it with something along the lines of, "be more careful next time,"

Kirstie was extremely grateful they hadn't touched her yet. Scott and Mitch were such a cute couple, and Avi was super nice. For once, she actually thought someone other than Kevin might care for her.

She was on her best behavior but kept seeming to get in trouble. She'd be accused of things she didn't even know how to do. Scott kept coming to her saying,

"Mitch said this, Mitch said that."

The girl just couldn't understand why he had such a burning hatred for her. Despite this, the young woman was still walking on eggshells around the alphas. She seemed to warm up to Avi, as she would stick to Kevin's side less and less. Kirstie could see Kevin was too. She had heard the beta and alpha joking around together in the living room that morning while she was in the kitchen.

As an official pack member, Kirstin had the same amount of chores like everyone else. Even the alphas had chores! They hadn't called her stupid, or worthless, or nothing but a toy to be played with. Alex, her old alpha, had loved to punish her. Usually, after drinking, he would call the small girl in and say that she had been bad. Kirstie knew fighting wasn't an option, as he was so much bigger than her.

Some nights, she worried that Avi would do the same. That he would call her names or torture her. Avi knew that something bad had happened with her last alpha, he just didn't know to what extent.

Kirstin was in the kitchen cooking silently next to Mitch, fearful he'd get mad if she talked. The boy had knocked into a plate, sending it crashing to the floor. Scott, Avi, and Kevin rushed in to see Kirstie on her knees cleaning the mess.

"What happened?" Kevin had asked.

"Mitch knocked down a plate, were fine," she promised.

"No, I didn't! It was all her," he whined. Kirstin frowned. Now they would all think she was a liar. She could interject, but why would they believe her over Mitch? He's a much better omega, not broken like her.

"Did you, Kit?" Kevin turned to his friend of years. That wasn't like Kirstin, she was unusually cautious. She rarely made mistakes, but maybe she was comfortable here and slipped up?

She gave a frightened glance towards Mitch's cold hard stare.

"Y-Yes," she answered nervously. She really didn't want to get in trouble. Mitch seemed to growl silently at all the attention she was given. Avi raised an eyebrow at the stutter. Something was off about this.

"This has been happening a lot, are you sure?" the alpha had asked.

Her small frame was shaking violently, fearing the worst. She didn't respond, not sure whether it was better or worse, to tell the truth.

"Kirstin, answer me," he growled quietly, going into alpha mode.

"I-I'm sorry! Yes, sir, it was my fault." her eyes temporarily turning omega blue. The alpha, realized his mistake, taking in the sight of bright blue eyes.

"I'm sorry, I need to calm down." Avi sighed.
"Can I talk to you in the next room?" he asked quietly. Hesitantly, she gulped and nodded, following in silence.

"Yes sir?" she had asked around the bend.

"Kirstin, I need you, to be honest. Did you break that plate?" he asked quietly. "I won't get mad that you lied earlier," he added as an afterthought. Kirstin hesitantly shook her head.


Avi nodded, "I'm not upset, I just want to know why you lied."

"I-I didn't want M-Mitch to get in trouble.I-I'm sorry," she squeaked. Even if Mitch was mean to her, she didn't want him punished or hurt. That would make things worse.

Avi sighed. He didn't want Kirstin to take the fall out of what he assumed was a strong friendship.

What could he do to show her that?

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