An Aunt's love

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Peter has been stressed lately. Like stress to the next level stress. He was smart as others would say but he still struggle with school. Lessons were easy but the pile of homework, projects and tests, that's another thing, draining him mentally. He makes time for his friendly neighborhood duties, which is draining him physically. Lately, his anxiety just been hitting him left and right with a sledgehammer. He saw how May was struggling to pay the bills, she was working so hard and Peter just didn't want to bother his aunt.

He really didn't want to bother his friends because he knows how stress they are too at school because finals are coming up. He really didn't want to trouble Mr. Stark because he already helped him with Spider-Man. Then, the monthly training came and he wasn't himself and of course he didn't do so well and got injured. Fury was also making him go on meetings and sends him to a bunch of mission which Mr. Stark wasn't happy but Peter even with every that is happening he was glad to help.

Peter was just laying on the couch in his and May's apartment then he just brokedown. May wasn't home yet. He was alone in the apartment and as he saw the pile of school work along with the Spider-Man mask on the side and he could feel how sore his body was from the training and the mission that he couldn't take it anymore.

That's how May saw Peter when she entered the apartment. Her nephew sobbing quietly and tears were pouring from his eyes. She saw how tired he was. She knows this cry, she knows that Peter is stress and he's keeping all the emotions to himself again. The thing she told him to never do. She silently walked towards him and hugged him.

"Sweetie, what happened?" She asked and Peter just cried loudly and hugged her back. Peter was very open to May. They always have heart to heart talks, May encourage him to do this. When May had a day off they would spend the day together and do whatever they want to do. Heart to heart talks being one of them.

May just hugged Peter more tightly and rubbed his back and played with his hair. After minutes of crying Peter told him about his week. May couldn't understand some of his words because Peter was still crying while he told her what happened.

May was worried and mad. She was not Peter's mother but anyone who knew the two of them know how protective and how they love one another more than any mother-child could ever be. They were all they have, damned those people who would hurt the other.

Once Peter fell asleep from all the crying. May immediately called into work and told them that she needed a very much needed payed week off. The one that was already been requested and approved but kept being pushed back because of them. They didn't argue, just thru the phone, whoever she talked too knew not to mess with May Parker with the tone she just used. It wasn't rude, no it wasn't. It was threatening and just terrifying.

She then emailed and called Peter's school, the principal's office and the school board. She ranted on that email. How they were giving students unnecessary amount and out right ridiculous projects and homework, on top of that scheduling it right before finals which goes against a law in their student's handbook. Yes, she studied that handbook front to back because she knows that she will need it. She also stated that Peter will be staying home for the rest of the week.

Once she knows that Peter was peacefully sleeping and tucked in to his bed. She talked to Karen, conveniently for her, Peter installed into their apartment. Fortunately for May all the Avengers were in a meeting with Fury in the Shield headquarters.

May drove to the headquarters, scaring all the employees she passed by, the security even though were scared tried to stop May from entering, but the heavens were kind to May, Agent Coulson was there. He knows about Spider-Man's identity and knew his aunt. He immediately stopped the security.

"If you want to live, don't go near her. Miss Parker if I may, I think I know where you're heading. I shall escort you to them." He said politely to May. May was glad, still mad but glad that she didn't have to talked to anyone. She was saving her voice.

The moment the doors to the meeting room opened, May heard how Fury said that 'Spider-Man would not be of help for some ridiculous reason that child have.' Agent Coulson along with Agent Hill, who noticed May's arrival, knew that it was the end of Nicholas J. Fury. Oh! All hell will break loose.

May didn't stop for a second as she a swing a punch at Nick Fury's face. May had a field day. The Avengers along with Nick Fury were terrified. Not even Natasha Romanoff can deny how scary the woman was. She knew even with May not having any skill to kill the Earth's Mightiest Heroes, that they will be on their knees if they so much talked back.

"How dare you! For all the things my baby did for you! For this f*cking city! At only 15!" May was full on cursing the Avengers.

Everybody knew that no one, absolutely no one should mess with May Parker and her beloved nephew, Peter Parker.

Karen was thrilled at what she was seeing, she hacked into the Shield headquarters to see this. Karen thought about what will happen when May finds out that Peter was being bullied at school.

After that Peter had the most amazing week. May made sure of it. Courtesy of Tony Stark who offered to pay and provide for anything and everything May needed to make sure Peter had the best rest he will ever have. Even if May forbid Peter to go to the tower for his official internship. He was still happy. May would let him be Spider-Man if he need to be.
Nobody mentioned to Peter what happened. Oh no, May would not let Peter know what she did. All Peter needed to know that he have the sweetest and loving Aunt anyone could ever wish for and to Peter that's all that matter.

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