Trash can [S.S.]

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You and your Girlfriend sadie were walking threw a park holding hands
Sadie then spotted a clean trash can

"Babe,look at this"

she let go of my hand and ran to the trash can

"Sades! What are you doing?"

She looked at me and hoped into the trash can

"Y/n/n i think im stuck!"

She said while laughing
i quickly ran to her and took a picture while helping her get out

"Oh god, how do you not even get embarrassed?"

I asked her

She just replied

"i don't know"

"Now pls help me "

she said pouting
I successfully got her out,

"Thanks for helping Y/n/n!"

She said hugging me and she quickly pecked me on the lips.

123 words

[This Side Of Paradise] <Sadie Sink> (FemReader)Where stories live. Discover now