i will always love you [Z.B.]

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The 70's were full of homophobic people yet that didn't stop y/n and ziggy from Dating ofcourse the young couple knew they were meant for eachother,they were soulmates.

The two met in camp nightwing when they were 10 year olds as the two met they felt a connection,as the years past by the two grew closer never had fights, and felt feelings for eachother.

They felt brave enough to finally tell eachother on their last year,as the truth came out they were happy even with all the bullshit going on with shadyside.

They thought this summer was going to be the best with tormenting shiela, breaking the rules,pissing off kurt, and all that but they didn't expect to be running away from Cindy's perfect boyfriend tommy,who became possessed by the witch herself.

Tommy was like a big brother to y/n she would always be by his side and Tommy he treated y/n like she was his own sister they loved eachother,and when y/n saw Tommy killing all of those innocent kids she knew it wasn't tommy anymore it was the witch.

As ziggy and y/n ran into the messhall they looked around and ziggy turned on the speaker and it played "Carry on my wayward son" the song played as the couple ran to the kitchen ang grabbed knives and hid in the storage room, as tommy banged the door with his axe until the door broke he looked around the room for two and when his back was facing them they stabbed him several times as the song stopped playing and it didn't do nothing at all he turned at them with a blank expression and grabbed y/n's neck and started choking her as ziggy was too scared to move.

"T-to-tommy i-ts me-me ple-please s-stop "
y/n pleaded,to the guy who she felt as family

"Y/n help"
Tommy croaked out loosening his grip on her neck as ziggy put a sack onto his face in an attempt to suffocate him as y/n fell to the ground gasping for air Tommy threw ziggy to the floor and turned around axe in hand looking scarier.

"Ziggy run!"
She said as she pulled ziggy with her

"Im not leaving you! "
Said ziggy

"Just run! "
Y/n yelled and with that she pushed the girl she loved away and got hit on the chest by Tommy's axe the girl collapsed to the ground as tommy was about to make another swing at her chest she heard a sound of a knife stabbing Tommy

Y/n's pov

"Fuck you! "
They swore i looked at the figure soon i recognized as cindy

"Did cindy berman just swear? "
I try to joke and laugh it off but i suddenly felt pain on my chest,

"Y/n! No,no,no,im not loosing you Tonight c'mon breath,Cindy go grab med kit please!, Y/n its me ziggy please don't leave me stay with me!"
Ziggy pleaded to me,

"I love you ziggy berman always remember that."
I said to her as cindy came back with a med kit,

"Ok y/n you can hold Ziggy's hand for comfort this is gonna hurt like hell "
(bla,bla,bla, whatever someone does when this shit happens im not a damn doctor -.- ),
I winced as squeezed Ziggy's hand as cindy
Put pressure on my wound and applied the gauze,

"See its fine now your alright"
Cindy reassured me, as ziggy held me to her chest and hugged me carefully not to touch my wound

Time skip to were alice dies :(

"Ziggy the we have to find that body right fucking!,now c'mon,"
Cindy said as she grabbed the two of us
As we where running in the woods ziggy said

" y/n stay here and keep quiet as long as your not in they're way they're not gonna hurt you stay here for me please"
She said in a rush

"Wh-what about you and cindy? "
I asked

"Listen we will find her body and reunite her hand i promise il come back "
ziggy said grabbing my face with both her hands

"Stay safe zig i love you,"
I said to the girl i love

"I love you too."
She said and gave me a passionate kiss and ran off with her sister

Time skip again :(

As i heard screaming i was worried but i promised ziggy i would stay.

When it got quite i grew more concerned as i ran too the clearing seeing my lover and her sister laying on the ground dead.

I saw another figure out in the forrest running to them, i followed their actions and saw nick,

"Nick! Help me please!,They can't be dead no! "
I said while my voice cracked

"y/n/n do CPR on ziggy while i check on cindy! "
He told me

As i did CPR to ziggy her eyes fluttered open
"Ziggy!,Ohmy god you alive!, C'mon that's it breath the parademics are on they're way"
I said as i kissed her hand crying i look over at nick asking if cindy was ok, he looked sad and shook his head no he came and hugged me. We heard sirens and i told nick to go whole i wait with Ziggy.

Time skip again 🤧

"Whats your name hun?"
A nurse kindly asked me

"Y/n L/N"

"And whats your girlfriends name?"

"Christine Berman"

"Alrighty I'll call your parents and tell them what happened im so sorry"

"Its fine miss...."

"You can call me Susanne
And I'll see you later."
She walked away.

I hopped off the strecher and walked to ziggy i stoked her hair and said,

"I will always love you Ziggy forever and always"
as i pecked her forehead

"I love you too forever and always."
Ziggy smiled at me.


89 words

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