Make up your mind [Z.B.]

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Y/n was sitting under a tree thinking about what she should say to her girlfriend.

Ziggy and y/n had a fight a few hours ago, but now y/n regreted everything she said now she's trying to fix it, she was memorizing her apology when she saw a glimpse of red hair in the distance.

She ran up to ziggy and grabbed her hand just as she was about to go into their cabin

"Ziggy wait! "
y/n called out

"What do you want Y/n!? "
Ziggy screamed

"I wanted to apologize ok i shouldn't have had over reacted"
y/n apologized

"Damn right"
Ziggy retorted

"Can you please let me apologize?"
Y/n asked

"Listen an apology won't make it up"

"But zig-"

"Make up your mind Y/n! You say you like me but you keep lying to me"
Ziggy said walking into the cabin y/n following behind

"I don't lie to you i-"

"You what y/n? Huh? How about you hear your lies 'Ziggy i really like you' 'someone's calling me' 'I'll talk to you later zig' I thought you were different y/n i thought you liked me but your just a liar
And an asshole Sunnyval-"

"Ziggy i love you ok I've been lying to you cause i was scared you won't love me back everytime i keep being distant to you cause I don't know how to say it to you now would you please forgive me?"
Y/n said and looked at Ziggy's wide eyes

"See you don't love me ba-"
She got cut of by a pair of lips crashing onto her own as they pulled away

"I love you too my y/n/n and im sorry too
Lets start over"

"I promise i won't fight with you again zig"

"I promise too y/n/n"

309 words

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