do you like max? [M.M.]

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Your wills twin sister


"Hey will me and Jonathan picked out three of your favourite's we weren't sure of what you'd like to watch so take a pick"
Y/n said entering will's bedroom

"Whatever you guys want"
Said will with an annoyed tone

"Alright, so what are you working on?"
"Zombie boy, he looks cool,
Wait who's zombie boy?"
Said y/n with curiosity

Answered will sheepishly

"Will did someone call you that?
I swear to god i will beat the absolute shit outta them"
"Will c'mon you know you can talk to me
Im your twin sister we share everything together, right?"
Said y/n Worried for her twin

"Stop treating me like that y/n
He snapped at his twin sister

"What, like what will?
Asked confused

"Like everyone else does
They treat me like there's something wrong with me"

"What are you talking about?"

"Mom, Jonathan, dustin, lucas,
"They all treat me like im gonna break"
"Like im a baby, that I can't handle things on my own"
"It doesn't help y/n it just makes me feel more like a freak"

"But will your not a freak"

"Yeah, i am"
"I am"

"Okay you know what, you are a freak"
"Your a freak William Byers"


"No im serious, your a freak"
"What you wanna be normal?,
Like everyone else?,
Listen will being a freak is the best
Cause im a freak too!"
"Being a freak means you can do anything you want you can be free"

"How are you a freak"

"Because im different from other girls,
You know when dad always called you a queer whenever he called you that id always cry, cause i was fearing he would call me that too and find out that im a queer that i like girls"

"Is that why you always act so girlish?"

"Yes i was scared of what people would think thats why only the party,mom, Jonathan, you, nancy, steve, and hopper
Knows about me liking girls"

"Do you like max?"

"Do you like mike?"

"No y/n I don't like him"

"You little liar"

"How about you answer my question,
Do you like max?"

"Well i like everything about her"

"O-oh well i-i y-you know"

"Just tell me y/n
Im your twin brother i should know who you like"

"Yes i like her okay,
Just don't tell her"

"I promise,
So what do you like about her?"

"Tell me,

"She's smart, nice, pretty.... really pretty
Her red hair, her ocean eyes and more"

"Ooooh my sister's inloveeeee"

"Stop it will,
How about mikey"

"Well i had a crush on him for a while but uh do you know Richie tozier?,
From English class"

"Ohhhhh trashmouth tozier"
"He has a sweet spot for you"

"I like him y/n,
I can see you two together actually"

I see how max looks at you"

"Okay, enough about our crushes"
"Its time for movie night lil bro"

"By one 2 minutes!"

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