Bye Cutie [M.M.]

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Lucas Dustin and I were walking down the halls we settled on asking max to go trick or treating with us but the two of them decided to ask her after class since they look like idiots in their Ghostbuster costumes, since i was the ghost all i had to do was take of the sheet.

After class:
Me and the boys were currently walking towards max who was putting her books away in her locker.

"Hi max im dustin and these are my friends lucas and-"
I cut him off
"Y/n i-im y/n h-harringt-ton "
I said holding my hand out for her to shake wich she did
"Yeah i know the stalkers she stated,
O-oh no no w-we w-weren't stalking you
We were just concerned because your new and all a-and there's a-alot of bullies here right lucas y/n?"

i stuttered

"Yeah alot of bullies i-its c-crazy"

"Is that why you two are wearing proton packs? "
Max asked

"N-no these don't function but i do have this handy dandy thing here
It even opens and closes look

"So we were talking last night and since you don't have any friends and your scared of bullies and we decided you should come trick or treating with us "

"And it'd be okay?"

"Yeah our party is a democracy and the majority voted that you could come"

"I didn't know it was such an honour trick or treating with you"

"Yeah and we know where to get the full sized candy bars so we figured you want in"

"That's presumptuous of you"

"S-so you'll come? "
Said dustin totally not understanding the word
Max rolled her eyes and shut her locker
Then walked away

"We're meeting at the cul-de-sac at seven and that's seven on the dot!"
Max walked back and grabbed my wrist and led me to the bathroom
I basically was panicking because my crush led me to the bathroom

"God I can't believe your friends with stalkers"

"W-what d-do you mean?"

"I don't know your brother's pretty popular plus aren't you a Harrington?"

"Oh-uh y-yeah i just p-prefer hanging out with the boys since im too shy to actually talk to people since i-i stutter alot"

"Hm, i get that so how about you get a new friend who isn't a boy"

"Uh- w-what does t-this m-mean"

"Oh c'mon don't act dumb im asking to be your friend"

"Wait what really?!? I ask in disbelief
Wow uh this is actually the first time someone else asked me to be their friend except the boys"

"So I'll see you later
Bye Cutie"
she winked

"B-bye m-max"
I said fully flustered

470 words

[This Side Of Paradise] <Sadie Sink> (FemReader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz