Things most Humans can't do

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1) Nose twitching.

2) Gleeking

The act of forcibly ejecting saliva or other substances from the mouth. The act is often done to get rid of unwanted or foul-tasting substances in the mouth, or to get rid of a large buildup of mucus. Spitting of small saliva droplets can also happen unintentionally during talking or yawning.

3) The paralyzed finger tricks

Bend your middle finger and place the centre section on a table or hard surface. You will be able to lift your thumb, index, and little finger without moving your middle finger. But it is impossible to lift your ring finger.

4) Wiggling your ears.

5) Open eye sneezing.

Normally, the eyes closes when sneezing to prevent germs from entering, but some can keep it opened.

6) Lick your elbow.

7) The chair experiment.

Here, you stand with your feets against the wall, take two steps back in a straight line putting your feets together. Lean forward with your head touching the wall, pick a chair up and try to stand up. While ladies often find it easy, it's difficult for men to do.

8) Bend joint backward.

9) Wiggling your little toe.

10) Tickling Yourself.

While the body craves to be felt by others there are some people who can do this themselves and would achieve a great laugh like as if though it were done by others.

11) Opening a bottle with your feet.

12) Eating a spoonful of cinnamon.

Cinnamon, is a baking ingredient but it quite impossible to be eaten raw by many people, mainly because it doesn't dissolve in water and it can dry the throat and mouth resulting in choking, coughing and even vomiting.

13) Raising one single eyebrow.

14) Touching your nose with your tongue.
Around 10% of the population can do this.

15) Milk squirting from the eye.

16) Moving your feet clockwise.

17) Putting your whole first in your mouth
Trick; you would need a wide mouth for this.

18) Touching your chin with your tongue.

19) Putting your foot behind your head.

20) Make your heart stop.

That can be done easily by going on thrill rides, watching horror movies in theaters, going to haunted houses, meeting stars you've anticipated so much, doing extreme athletic moves, or not following your healthy routines of each day.

21) Tongue tricks which includes; splitting, rolling it, flipping it in 180 degrees, reversing and much more.

Which of these can you do?

Mine is Gleeking and Raising one single eyebrow. I feel so special already ┌(・。・)┘♪

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