Chapter XIX: The Hunt

447 20 137

November 2 2020

Dennis was Chris's Rival In The MMA and A Former Heavyweight Champion. Right now Dennis exited a convenience store as he got a cigarette out and light it up as he began smoking. Dennis continued making his way back home as he was peacefully smoking the cigarette. He went towards the alleyway as he threw the cigarette until someone called his name as he turned around and saw Desmond looking at him.

Dennis: Spider Man?

Desmond: Dennis, We need to talk.

Dennis: I didn't do anything wrong.

Desmond noticed the tone of his voice as he knew Dennis was hiding something and he didn't want to talk about it.

Desmond: I know what Chris is using.

Dennis: I swear I have nothing to do with this.

Desmond: Dennis, Tell me the truth. *Shows the Syringe* What is this and Why is Chris using it?

Dennis: Okay I'll tell you everything. Chris went to a abandoned Oscorp Laboratory and found that serum and since then he's been using it.

Desmond: For his fights?

Dennis: Yeah, He's been using it for the last few weeks but today I noticed he looked a little different. He was pale and his behaviour was different.

Desmond: So Chris has been using this as Sport Enhancers to win his fights in the MMA.

Dennis: Right. I told him to stop using it, I fear that if he got caught. He'll be in big trouble.

Desmond: I see.

Dennis: Is he alright?

Desmond: Yeah, He's alright.

Dennis: Oh Thank God. Look that's all I know man. I have nothing to do with this.

Dennis left the alleyway as he went back home as Desmond shot a web line and began swinging through different buildings as he decided to head back to the ESU to create an antidote. Ten minutes later, Desmond made it to the ESU as The Group already noticed him.

Lexi: Spider Man?

Desmond: Yeah, Its me.

Thea: Wait, What are you doing here?

Desmond: I'm here to help your friend.

Jessica: How do you know that?

Desmond: Uh. . . . . Spider Sense was tingling?

The Group looked at each other as they all began talking.

Priscilla: Well Some Of Chris's Blood was on the ground and I began analysing it and-

Desmond: His DNA is heavily corrupted with Lizard DNA.

Cassie: How do you know?

Desmond: Doesn't matter. Did you created an antidote?

Priscilla: Yeah, I managed to create an antidote and-

Desmond shot a web line as he grabbed the antidote and put it in his pocket.

Maria: Wait, You don't even know where Chris is.

Desmond: I'll find him.

Gionna: Hey Spider Man.

Desmond looked at Gionna as she looked at him with worry in her eyes.

Gionna: Be careful.

Desmond: Um. . . . Will do.

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