Chapter 3.

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After everyone sang happy birthday, Mom wasn't kidding about going  straight to bed. I finished my slice of cake, and straight to bed it was for me. Everyone else got to stay out there for a bit longer, and all I could hear was the laughs shared by them all. I was tempted to sneak out of the house, it wouldn't be the first time I do. Grace was knocked out drunk, and she was usually my cover when I did sneak out. I haven't gotten caught yet, so whatever it is that she does to cover for me is working. I would ask Hope to cover for me, but she's downstairs too busy with Braxton. I'm close with Braxton, but him and Hope are a lot closer than either one of us are with him. It just has to do with the fact that they share feelings for one another.

After debating the whole sneaking out, I just decided against it. Summer is about half way over, so I still have a month or so to have fun. It sucks though, I'm going to be the oldest senior there. I'm already eighteen, and everyone else will be barely turning eighteen during the school year. I didn't held back, I just started school late. I wasn't sure why I started late, I never bothered asking my parents.

My phone vibrated, and I quickly grabbed it. If I wasn't wrong, it was either Savannah or Jacob texting me. I wonder why they're barely texting me. Grace did mention they were looking for me at the party.

I didn't see you at the party, where are you? :(

My girlfriend, Savannah Pathon had sent me the text. Right after reading the message, a picture of her appeared on my phone. She was making a pout in the picture, and I was able to tell she was still at the party. Savannah's blond hair was perfectly curled in the picture, and I could tell she barely wore any make up around her eyes. Her skin was like kissed by the sun, not really tanned but not really pale either. Her blue eyes were crystal clear as well, meaning she wasn't drinking or hadn't been drinking.

I'm at home. I was at the party, I couldn't find either you or Jacob. Grace did say she saw you, though. What were you doing?

To be honest, I didn't really care where she was at. I looked, and I didn't find her at that was that. I know a lot of boyfriends wouldn't let this slide through, and pretty much demand an answer from their girlfriend. I wasn't like that. I somewhat trust her, and if she ever does anything she shouldn't be the truth will somehow find it's way to me. Besides, I was doing something at the time that she has no clue about. So really, I'm also guilty here.

Just with my friends, and I did see your sister. Where were you at?

She asked with another text message. I would tell I was with Jacob, but Jacob was probably looking for me too. Savannah and Jacob weren't super close, but they were friends. If I tell her I was Jacob, she would ask him and know I was lying. If I tell her I was with Braxton though, he can easily cover for me if she asks. Either way, I think she only saw Grace, and Grace wasn't with Braxton.

I was with Braxton, I gave up looking for you after a while.

Why didn't you text me or call me, if you were so desperate to find me?

Savannah had a good point there. I didn't text her or call her because I wanted to meet up with Avery, but I wasn't going to tell her that. I wasn't cheating on her with Avery, our friendship wasn't like that. If I tell Savannah though, she wouldn't get it. I could already see her freaking out, over nothing if you ask me.

I guess that didn't come to mind.

Can you come pick me up? I was expecting us to leave together.

Why would expect that? You knew I had to come home before my birthday ended. Besides, my sister got drunk. My parents grounded us.

I guess I'll ask Jacob for a ride.

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