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Percie POV

"Thalia!" I hissed, pulling her into an empty room.

"Whats up?" She asked.

"I couldn't wait to talk to you about the thing." I responded, beginning to look around. "And I figured that it would be an easier conversation if we're not staring at each other and that being the only thing we're doing."

Thalia crossed her arms and gave me a look. "Girl, if you're about to tell me that you're pregnant or somethin-"

"- No, no!" I interrupted her, slightly flustered.

I began to speak, raising my voice a bit so that she could still hear. "Just about as far from that as you could get. Um, since I've sort of, been in two wars and a shitload of other things our lovely parents have left us to deal with, I've been thinking about joining the hunters.

I mean, I can't think of too many reasons why I wouldn't want to, I mean I get to stay with you, and Nico too because when he... dies... Hades will probably let him stay in the palace occasionally and we'll be able to threaten him with more death meaning more paperwork so we can see him and the others. Plus, the way you go on about it..."

I trailed off and began to walk back to where Thalia was and she tackled me in a hug. "Yes yes yes yes yes yes yes! Pleaaaase do! Now, I want to explore." She said, practically hugging the life out of me.

"I actually wanted to show you a cool looking mirror I saw when I was wandering around." I told her, prying her hands off me.

We walked behind a pile of boxes and dusty old books to a mirror with a golden frame and slightly cracked, rusted glass, half covered in a stained sheet, which we took off.

"Erised stra ehru oyt ube cafru oyt on wohsi." Thalia sounded out, reading the engraving on the top. "It kind of sounds like latin, but the way you're looking at it, I assume its not?"

"I show you not your face, but your heart's desire? Its an anagram, I think." I said, my dyslexia being suspiciously helpful.

I was about to look in it and hopefully see what it meant when the door opened hastily and I heard three voices.

Me and Thalia quickly ducked behind a stack of random objects and listened to the conversation they were having.

"Albus, you can't really be thinking of doing that! Using a cursed duplicate of it to simulate the children's worst memories, especially after almost all of them have been through a war, and with the fact that some of the demigods almost certainly have entered? Its not a good idea!"

We looked at each other and I whispered "McGonagall?" She nodded and we continued to eavesdrop.

"Minerva, the idea is for them to have the courage to fight back, no matter how scared or angry you are, its a life skill. Particularly in these worlds."

Definitely Dumbledore.

"Severus, you don't think this is a good idea, do you?" McGonagall asked, evidently, Snape.

"Both of you are right, but I think we should do it, because it will be supervised, and like Albus said, its a bit of a life skill." Snape replied.

"Well. I suppose its settled then." McGonagall said, giving up after a minute.

I heard her footsteps retreat, but two sets of them coming towards the mirror, towards us.

Now, we were definitely not supposed to of heard that, or be in here, so I whispered to Thalia, "Hold on and don't scream." as I turned us both to mist and brought us back to the Pegasari common room.

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