Chapter 2

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♫Sorry for party rockin...♫

Chapter 2. 🌺


"Welcome to Ronald Reagan Pavilion, boys." Paul, our manager, announced to us.

"Soundcheck starts in 5 minutes, dont break anything." he reminded us, before leaving the lads and I alone in the big open concert hall.

"Whoa...look guys!" Niall cried excitedly, pointing towards the big sound booth across from us. We all knew Niall had wanted to be a sound engineer if he wasnt singing, so we didnt stop him when he ran for the booth. Seconds later, all the lights in the concert hall turned bright green.

"Oh my god, Niall what are you even doing?" Liam cried at the irishman, but he walked over to the booth and pressed a few buttons too.

"Thats awesome!" Zayn cried, as the lights began to flash red and blue like some really massive rave.

"Here we go, raving up in here..." I cried, as Liam began to beatbox. We were only messing around, no harm could come out of this. Ahaha, I was wrong. 30 seconds later, we heard a distant crash. We all froze for a second, before shrugging our shoulders and going back to playing around with the lights.

"Hey, how bright do you think these lights can go?" Zayn grinned mischievously, before pushing the little lever all the way to it's max. Bright light filled the stadium, making us all have to cover our eyes.

"Oh god, turn them down Zayn!" Niall cried, his tone filled with worry, but it was to late. A massive shattering noise filled the stadium and I pulled the boys to the ground as I ducked. The light was nearly blinding, and the sound of shattering consumed the airwaves. Suddenly, as if someone had cut the power, the lights suddenly disappeared and sent the entire pavilion into nearly total darkness.

"Is everyone okay?" Harry demanded, and we all answered with a chorus of shaky 'yes's.

Zayn pulled out his iphone and shined the flashlight around, causing us all to gasp as we spotted the wreckage we had caused. One massive lecture from Paul and a 25,000 dollar damage fee later, we all sat backstage while feeling especially guilty. I felt bad for whoever had to clean up our terrible mess, even though im normally the messiest one in the band. I decided to go apologize to whoever was cleaning it up. I stood up and walked into the concert hall, gaining no attention from my bandmates since they were all on their phones. I entered the stadium and my eyes immediately locked onto a rather short figure, who was sweeping up a pile of shattered lightbulb carnage.

I tapped the person's shoulder, prepared to apologize. But when the figure turned around, my breath caught before I could say the words. This wasnt just any janitor. This was a drop-dead gorgeous girl.

"Um, hi. I'm Louis, from One Direction." I managed to choke out. Smooth Louis. Real smooth.

Love. (A Louis Tomlinson Fanfic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant