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♫It'd sure be, prettier with you♫

Chapter 29. 🌺


Oh, how cliché. A sore back, a throbbing hangover headache and a broken heart. What the heck did I manage to do. Oh wait I remember now. I wasn't enough for Amber. She freaking kissed Harry. And I'm pretty darn upset. I lay in my bunk awhile, trying to make my headache go away by softly humming 'Cups'. It was stuck in my head ever since Niall convinced us all to watch Pitch Perfect. But it failed to work.

"Louis?" The familiar slow voice of Harry Styles interrupted my attempts to distract myself.

"Bugger off." I mumbled. It took every ounce if energy I had not to sit up and sock Harry good in the jaw. Which scared me. Was I really so protective over Amber that I wanted to punch my best mate? Yes. The answer was yes. But I managed to restrain myself. "I'm not moving until you listen to me." Harry demanded. I didn't move a muscle.

"Louis, you listening?" "Hmmph." I grunted in reply.

"I'll take that as a yes. Now listen to me Lou. Your girlfriend is sobbing. Tears tears and more tears. She's been crying nonstop since last night, since you talked to her whilst sh*tfaced and basically made her a bundle of tears. Louis, she didnt kiss me. There isn't a need to fight. I kissed her, and it was a dare. I know I'm an idiot, we were both more drunk then we've ever been before. It was a drunken mistake we both regret. Get over it and go love your girlfriend." Harry's voice was stern. Steadfast and firm. His words sent a wave of shock through my body. I was a mess. She was a mess. I made to many mistakes. Oh god. I tackled Harry in a hug.

"Thank you." I muttered before running out of the room. Realization had hit me full force. A drunken Mistake. That was it. Just a mistake...and i had just forgiven both Haz and Amber. Now i just need Amber to except my apology for being a prick. i flung open the door and practically stampeded over Niall, Liam and Zayn. Amber was drying tears that were streaking down her cheeks rapidly, making my heart break a little. Without further hesitation, I ran towards her and wrapped her in a huge hug. I fully expected her to punch me, or scream at me, or curse at me in Swahili. I dont know. its Amber we're talking about. Nothing she did would surprise me. Except for maybe what she did next. She pulled my face to hers in a sweet, sweet kiss. A make up kiss. One that told me I was forgiven. We ignored the 'Eew's and 'Seriously's that the boys were wailing not to far away. Amber and I had a rough relationship. To much confusion and not enough happiness.

But if she gave me kisses like these and love like this...I'm willing to risk it all.


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