Chapter 14

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♫Maybe I'm just in love, when you wake, me, up♫

Chapter 14. 🌺


I had woken up at 6:30 in the morning, hauling myself out of bed. I had to have the boy's breakfast ready by 8:00, or else Niall would start to complain. I stood in front of the refrigerator, refridgeafeederator, fridge (get it? Get it? No? Ok), contemplating what to make.

"Cinnamon rolls." I decided, pulling out the ingredients and whipping the cinnamon rolls up. Once they were in the oven and I'd set a timer, I concluded that waking the boys up would be good. Since they weren't getting up any time soon. I was just about to enter the bedroom and shake them all awake when Harry walked groggily out.

"Mornin." He grunted, his eyes half-shut.

"Morning!" I chirped happily.

"Why are you so happpppyyyy." Harry moaned, collapsing onto the kitchen table. Seriously. He sat down on top of the table. Considering that it's Harry, though, it's not at all unusual.

"I just made cinnamon rolls for your breakfast." I told him. He didnt seem to care.

"Thank you." He slurred, almost sounding drunk because of how slow he was speaking.

"Your welcome. Now get off the table." I shooed him away, setting up plates and napkins.

"Good Morning." Liam walked through the door into the kitchen, inhaling deeply. He seemed twice as awake as Harry.

"Smells good...cinnamon?" He questioned, and I nodded. "I smell something! ill get the boys!" Niall's Irish accent cheered as he literally jumped into the room, before striding right back out to supposedly wake up Louis and Zayn.

"See Harry, their awake." I joked, making Harry let out a deep groan and flop back down face first on the couch. Strange boy. Zayn was the next to come in. Apparently Niall had woken him up. He was like Harry, looking absolutely exhausted.

"Oh my god, why is it so bright in here!" Zayn complained, shielding his eyes. I laughed at him, before turning to an excited looking Niall.

"You didn't wake Louis?" I asked, and Niall shook his head.

"He was out cold, no matter what I did to wake him." He laughed.

"Totally unlike him but...yeah." He grinned again.

"I've just put the food on the table boys, help yourselves. Liam, I'm counting on you to make sure nothing breaks while I check on Lou." I winked as I addressed the entire room before leaving to wake Louis. Louis was fast asleep, as Niall had said, passed out with arms hugging a pillow tight to his body.

"Louis. Lou...." I whispered, poking his cheek gently. Nothing.

"Lou. I've gotten you breakfast, come on." Nothing.


"Go away Niall, I haven't got your crisps..." Louis' voice was raspy from sleep, and might I say extremely attractive.

"I'm not Niall, Louis." I laughed, pulling his body from left to right in an attempt to wake him up completely.

"Oh my god, why can't I just slee-oh hi Amber." Louis smiled sheepishly, until he opened his eyes and saw me shaking him.

"Hey Lou. Now get up sleepyhead, or Niall'l have eaten all the cinnamon rolls." I warned him. He nodded, his eyes never leaving my face. I couldnt look away, my gaze locked onto every detail of his face. One direction fans I insist that Zayn has the perfect facial structure. But can we talk about Louis here? God. He's so attractive. I quickly snapped myself out of it, smiling sheepishly at the floor in embarrassment. I'd basically stared at him for 5 minutes. He was blushing and coughing awkwardly too. That was weird.

"Er, well then...come on." I smiled weakly at him before walking back to the kitchen. I don't know what's going on in my funked up head. But...I think I like Louis. A lot.

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