Chapter 28

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♫I'm a little bit love drunk♫

Chapter 28. 🌺


His eyes were glazed over, bloodshot as if he hadnt slept ever in his life. His expression was filled with pain, a weak, humor-less smile on his lips.

"Lou, Im so sorry..." I took a step near him, before noticing a bottle in his right hand. It was a bottle of liquor...the same sort Harry and I had indulged ourselves with only last evening.

"Are you drunk, Louis?" I inquired accusingly. Louis only laughed. But his laugh held no amusement...none at all.

"You dont careeee...Amby...Amby Bambi." Louis chuckled, swaying a little from side to side.

"Amby Bamby doesnt need me. Nope. Amberrr has Hazza. Hazza gets Amber now, none for Louis. I just want her to love me, but she doesnt..." Louis slurred, his words melting together as he drunkenly spoke.

"Shhhhhhhhh...dont tell her I said that. I dont want her to worry about me." Louis hiccuped. I held back tears at his selfless words. Id made him like this. Obviously heartbroken, drunk and confused. And yet he was concerned for my feelings. He didnt want me to worry about him.

"Louis, I think you should lay down..." Harry mumbled, and I agreed. We both took Louis by the shoulders and forcefully pushed him to his bunk. "Sleep." I commanded, and Louis complied.

"If...if you see her, tell her I love her..." Louis muttered, before his eyes closed and he fell asleep.

"Oh my god. He's so whipped." Liam's voice arose from the corner. I just noticed their presence. All 3 of them (zayn, niall and liam) were on their phones together.

"Once Louis is sober, you two better straighten things out." Zayn scolded, eyebrows raised.

"And Harry better protect himself. Louis' got the biggest biceps, ya'know." Niall laughed, but like Louis' laugh it was humorless. No one was in the mood for jokes right now...especially not me.

"This is all your fault. I strongly dislike you right now." I lectured Harry. He had gotten me drunk. Kissed me behind Louis' back. Played with my head. Basically made me unintentionally break Louis' heart. Ignoring Harry's frantic apologies, I walked off to the very couch Louis had been sitting on earlier. And I promptly broke down in tears. I might loose Louis...I might loose him. And it's all Harry's f*cking fault.

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