Chapter 9

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Alex got up, his head hanging low.
"Thanks. Um for, ya letting me come. And I better get going." He started, you could tell he was upset.

"I'm really sorry, I have this habit of talking before I think, but you probably already noticed that." I rambled.
Why am I even talking, I need to shut up.

"No seriously, no need to apologize. I'm kind of sensitive at times. But I seriously do need to go I have some where important to be, like now." He waved good bye and started out the door.

" Ok, see ya. Where do you need to be?" I called

"Bye see you tomorrow." He yell back as he was running down the hospital halls. Just as I started going back into my room, I saw a nurse come out of a room and scold Alex. I couldn't help but smile.


Hey, sorry this is really short. I thought I should have a couple mysteries (alexes mom+where he is running off to) happening at once, but let me know if its to confusing.

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