Chapter 10

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Again like every other morning I lay there along. Waiting for someone to come and save me like a guardian angel. But now one. Its boring in the hospital so all day I basically text Clara and Maya all day. The rest of the time I watch youtube and stuff and wait for someone to stop by.
Mid afternoon my mom stopped by to say hello and brought me a gift. I greedily tore it open, to find a brand new book.
"OH MY GOSH." I shouted.
It was to kill a mockingbird, my favorite book of all times. And unfortunately the last copy I had was dropped in the bathtub by Abby alittle girl I used to babysit.
"Thank You soo much!!" I grinned at my mom
"I thought you might like it. Also it will keep you entertained in the hospital.


Hey guys hope you are having a wonderful spring break. This update was kind of boring but it will get more exiting soon.

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