chapter 1

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"Honey lets go". My mom calls to me from the kitchen.

"Hang on" I say, today are my tryouts for baseball.

"Julia! c'mon sweetie we need to go".

"Ok. I'm coming" four simple words baseball is my life.

I've always loved it, my dad first taught me how to play. I miss him. He passed away 5 years ago with bad brain cancer. He was a fighter for 2 solid years. But it got the best of him.

I ran down stairs and got my water, then headed out the door.

"So, are you nevous"? my mom askes

"No just exited". I answer,"I know I will do good."

"Ok sweetie just remember no matter what happens out there I will always love you".

"Right back at you, mom."

My mom has always been there for me. She was there when I caught my first pop fly, when dad found out he had cancer, when dad died, and now hopefully when I make the freshman baseball team. I am a girl and that might take affect on my ability to play. But this is my life and I am going to play baseball no matter what. Its final.

We arived at the feild after picking up Matt my moms boyfriend. He played baseball for his highschool and collage. I opend the gate and walked on to the rusty looking gravle. I felt many eyes diging in to me but this was were I belonged. I saw a taller boy that I had seen at school that morning. He had bleach white hair and blue eyes. He looked at me and then turn to his friend next to him and said something to him. After a moment they started chuckling and giving me funny looks.

I looked over at my mom and Matt and my mom gave me the, are you sure about this look. I looked back at her and gave her the dont worry look.

Suddenly I heard a ear peircing wistle. This is it Julia, I tell my self.

The Final StretchWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt