Chapter 4

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  • Dedicado a My dad

        I showed up at practice that night after I finished all my homework. I told my mom about the note and she was so proud, I knew she really just wants me to be happpy. She drove me down to the feild which was at my school, and droped me off. I saw Coach with his clipboard and that same wistle around his neck. I looked around the feild and imedeatly saw Alex he was standing there tosing the ball up and down. I ran over to him because he was practicly the only one who looked board to death. 

"Hey, Alex wanna do alittle catch while we wait?" I asked him

" sure, that would be great." He replied he look alittle scard to see me and a little relived.

I back up so he can trough me the ball. He throughs it and I can see that it is about an avarage major leage pitching speed. Wow he has a good arm. I catch it and it slams into my wrist. I want to say oww or something but instead since I'm the most competitive person in my grade I shake it off and through my hardest. That one was fast but he is really good and he cought it right in the perfect spot. We did this for about fifteen minutes until practice started.

Coach had us do sprints from home to second base and I quickly learned that I was the fasted player on me team but all so the smallest. Then we did five laps around the perimiter which I was the first person on that one too. We did a small scrimage to see how people were and what positions they should play. I really want to play  shortstop so I played my hardest while playing that position.

I was up to bat, and the piture gave me a nice through. I hit the ball as far as I could and it went into the outfeild I saw one of the outfeilders sprinting to get it and I thought "oh yeah, like your gonna get me out. good luck with that one". The next thing I knew I was springting to first base took a quick look to see where the ball was then sprinted to second. I was on a roll. Out of the corner of my eye's saw one of the out feilders pick up the ball. I knew I would make it. It was a great through, but alittle short. I made it almost to home when I saw the ball flying towards the catcher. I slide to home and coach yelled " safe"

"Yeah Julia". heard some one shout "wohh you are speedy gonzalas." 

"Thanks" I reply I'm not used to getting all this attention

"Nice run Julia, wow," Said Alex coming up to me he is so friendly that is seems like I've known him for years.He gives me a high five and then we go to the outfeild of course I take shortstop its the spot I know best and its my favorite.

The first hit went straight to me, I cought it and threw it to first base man who just happened to be a good catcher. He caought the ball and taged the person running to first base. My competitive self thought I could have run better than him.

"Nice job today guys thats a wrap. Have a nice weekend and practice from 4:30 till 5:45

Ouch tomrrow will be busy I have homework and then practice with barely any time after to get from school to Wigham Park where I will do a work out with my personal train, Rocky, who has been my fitness go to for over 3 years now. 

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