Chapter 8

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Those few days in the hoapital felt like a few years with out life. It was the suckiest time in my memory. At least me and Alex got to talk smack about Brian. And totally did not know that Alex was dating this super pretty girl who goes to our school who recently died in a plane crash. And im not talking society pretty im talking real kinda pretty. The worst and best thing about that is i know exactly how it feels to lose some one who means the universe to you. I already feel closer to alex than the beginning of the school year. Which was only two weeks ago.

"Hello, there is some one here to see you" Smiles a nurse at my door.

Ugg, I just want some time alone. " Ok bring them in" I reply reluctently

A few minutes later in walks a tall bleach blond teen with a gulty and sorry look on his face. Brian. What is he doing there he wants nothing to do with me and I want nothing to do with him, we're even.

"Um... hey, so I know I have been kind of a pain in the butt and I would just like to say Im very sorry about what ever got me kicked of the team I really am." He didnt look up from the floor the whole time.

"Are you kidding me right now?" I said clearly agitated. " You seriously walk in here ready to appologise and dont even know why you got kicked off the team, dude get a clue." And I wasnt joking I was clearly mad as heck that he couldnt even take the time to realise what he wasnt on the team for.

" You know what Julia at least I came and I appologized I was seriously having a huge argument with my self on whether I should come or not. At least I made the right choice right?" He yelled I kind of felt bad for him I mean he did come and visit me.

" Ok you know what im sorry I kind of attacked you, Im sorry, thank you for coming, I know that what ever you did to me was not to intentionally hurt me, well it probably was but who cares you just have to promise me one thing. You must always respect girls no matter what they are doing. Think. You wouldnt be alive without your mom not only did she phisically create you but she cared for you when you were sick as a dog with fleas, she also is not only proud of you for being the way you are but she is watching your every move and expecting you to do the right things." I stood up confidently and I looked him right in the eye. And new right then that I had said the wrong thing.

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