Chapter 2

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"Hello everybody. My name is Levi. But call me coach. So today are your freshman tryouts, I see some new faces, well, all new faces. So you're freshman.  Some people may already now me because you might have me for gym. Anyway I want you to all get in a line here." Said the coach pointing at home plate. He was on the verge of five and a half feet and was quite plump.  He had a Boston Red Soxs hat on and a shiny wistle around his neck. The first person to line up was the tall boy with bleach white hair I saw talking about me. He must know the coach because they started talking.

"I want everyone to say there name, and how long they have been playing baseball." He yelled he had a gruff voice that almost scared me.

The tall boy went first, "Hi my name is Brian and I've been playing baseball, oh for six or seven years now." Brian explained, arrogantly. My first impression on him wasn't great. 

The next boy went and I quickly realised that it was the kid that Brian turned to when I walk on to the field. "Hi. Uhh my name is Alex, and I have been playing baseball since I was six and a half." He kept glancing over at me as he spoke.

Everyone went down the list some had been playing for only 3 years and some said they were born with a baseball in their hand. 

Finally it got to me, "Hi my name is Julia Roberts and I have been playing baseball since I was 3 years old." I stated nervously. I was worried about what other people would think of a girl trying out for this sport.

"Very nice Julia, I hope to be seeing you more," Coach answered. I was the only one he had commented on. But I knew why. 

Then I hear someone say something, it was Brian, "Hey Julia, you do realise that this is baseball, not cheerleading tryouts right." he snicked. " Yeah, hey why dont you just be the batgirl you won't need to do anything but do your makeup and brush your hair." Another kid laughed. By then I was done. All the courge I had in me was gone. I ran out of the feild hearing the laughter fade as my mind tryed to block it out. I saw my mom jump up in the stadium and start hurring down to talk to me. By then tears had reach my eyes but tryed to hold them back.

"Hey, kid, that takes alot of courage, for that I give you this" Matt handed me a rose as he tried to reasure me.

"Thanks," I tryed to reply as polite as I could.

"Sweetie are you ok? Do you need a minute? Should we go home?" My mom asks so many questions sometimes.

"No Mom. I'm fine, but thank you." I say alittle annoyed but what can I do?

I didnt feel like going back out there again. I wanted to go home even if it ment leaving my life long dream in the dust. My mom understood me right away and we started walking to the car. 

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