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Authors pov

Its been 2 months , 2 months since samrat's confession..
A lot has changed in this 2 months , throught Samrat's Jaan has still Not confessed her feelings Or to be precise hasn't Said those 3 magical words but somewhere Samrat too doesn't need those words because not only him , everyone can see the Love for Samrat in her eyes, her actions, her words , her care..
Its like everything about her speaks her Love for him
The way her eyes always search for him, Or the way she blushes when every samrat is around..
Or the way she hugs him with possessiveness ,love And care..
This was the best 2 months of their life..
The Same Samrat And Pakhi who won't ever stop fighting , now won't ever stop being around each other..
They needed each other just like you need oxygen.. They have became obsessed with each other And that always leads to a lot of teasing session from the family..
But that doesn't stop them at all..

The first Person Samrat wants to see when he wakes up Or when he comes from the Office (Army Office) is his Pakhi, and if he doesn't gets to see her then definitely there will be tandav in the house And then Pakhi has to make it up to him...    They both have completely changed each other..
  The Same  samrat who would never take a leave from the office has started taking leaves , he wants to spend all his time with his Jaan in his arms ,close to him.
He has started getting angry less And if ever he gets angry about something then its only Pakhi who can calm him down..
He has became More fun now.. He would help his Pakhi in kitchen which also comes with his bhabhi's teasing session to them And complain session with their own husbands..
Where as, for Pakhi no One else exists except her samrat, her Day starts with Samrat And ends with him..
Her confidence has increased 10 folds with samrat being around her..
Yes she still teases him ,fights with him but that's always in a fun loving way..
She feels blessed that she has someone like samrat in her life Not only because he loves her or he is always there for her..
But because he is a good human being, Not even for once he has shown his anger on her in this 2 months , its always her who fights And always Samrat who handles the fight..
If its Pakhi who can calm Samrat down ,then the Same goes with Pakhi as well if she gets angry only her Samrat can calm her down..
Pakhi has became really possessive and obsessed about her Samrat because as for her she could never loose him..
And Samrat also loves her possessiveness because he never had anyone in his life who would be possessive about him And Pakhi being both possessive and obsessed makes him feel blessed..
Yes she still hasn't Said I Love you , but as its Said you don't need 3 words when everything you do speaks your love..

Into the scene
Chavan Niwas
It was around 6:30 when Samrat heard his alarm ringing , but Not wanting to leave  the warmth of his beautiful wife , samrat turned off the alarm and snuggle More into Pakhi , dropping his face in the crook of her neck ,kissing her there.. Inhaling her scent..
He felt her shiver at that, lifting his face he kissed her lightly on her lips who responded even in her sleep..
Samrat smiled at that ,kissing her forehead One last time he got of the bed and walked towards the washroom..

Standing under the shower he couldn't help but think how his life has changed in a beautiful way..
The love he had for his wife was something he could never explain neither to her nor to the world..
And he know that it goes the Same way for her..
Her Not saying I love you ,  never matter to samrat ..Because he knows that her Love for him was beyond words, he knows that she loves him More than he loves her..
Smiling at that thought , Samrat came out of the washroom with a towel wrapped around his waist, only to see his wife awake on the bed..

Pakhi who had just woken up looked around to find her Samrat coming out of the washroom only in a towel wrapped around his waist..
While Pakhi was busy checking her husband , heat rose to Samrat's cheek seeing his wife hungry eyes on him.
There was no denying to the fact that samrat was the shy One in this marriage where as Pakhi was the bold One..
It was very rear site for Samrat to see his Pakhi blush (very rear)

Tum Mere Ho(Completed)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें