Chapter 1

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Lights. Loud Music. Dancing. Girls. Alcohol. Lots of alcohol. Everything was a blur basically. I knew I was at some club with the guys just like any other night. I wasn't much of a dancer at clubs. I usually sit at the bar and wait for the girls to come to me, we have a few drinks together, and then we end up either going to my house of theirs to continue things. It was a habit that I got into when I had first gone pro and joined the hockey league. It's a habit I never really got out of and I probably never will.

As I drank a beer at the bar, I couldn't help but notice the girl sitting next to me. She was a petite blonde wearing a beautiful cocktail dress and I couldn't help but notice how her hazel eyes radiated in the lights. For some reason, I felt as if there was something different about her compared to all of the other girls before. At the time, my drunk self couldn't pick up on it so I went after her just like any other girl.

"May I buy you a drink?" I asked her scooting a bit closer to her making sure she noticed me but not too much in her personal space.

"No thank you," she answered a bit shyly. "I've had enough for tonight."

"What are you doing here all alone?" I asked her.

"I'm not," she replied shortly. "I'm here with friends."

"So am I," I responded back. "I don't think I caught your name."

"Carrie," she answered.

"Well Carrie, I'm Mike. It's nice to meet you," I said.

With that, Carrie let out a huge laugh, "So that's all you got? Those pickup lines need some work."

At first, I was a bit offended but even though I was completely hammered, I still noticed the gorgeous smile that Carrie had so I just
replied with a smile back and a, "What do you mean?"

"Oh come on, you're supposed to have better pick up lines than that," Carrie giggled. "I can tell that you're the guy that gets a girl all liquored up before you take her home for the night."

"And I guess I'm a bit off my game tonight," I told Carrie making her laugh just a bit more. I didn't think I could get girls from clubs this way, but the more and more I went this way, the more Carrie seemed to like it. "So what brings you here? Besides your friends."

"I just got done with a show and the guys wanted to go out and have some fun," she answered.

"And are you having fun?" I asked.

"It's alright," she replied. "This isn't really my scene."

"I can help you with that," I told her stumbling off of my bar stool before reaching my hand out to Carrie's. "I'm not very good at dancing, but do you want to go dance with me?"

"You can barely sit up from your seat let alone go out there and dance," Carrie pointed out.

"Try me," I replied hastily.

"How about I give you a ride home," she offered. "I think you've had enough for tonight."

At that point, I didn't know that Carrie actually meant only a ride home. I thought that meant more. I thought she meant doing what all the other girls did. I wish I would have known. I wish I would have done things differently.

Carrie helped me to her car where she put me in the front seat, buckled me in like a child, and closed my door before getting in on her side. These are things I wish I could have done for her. That's how it was supposed to be. I was supposed to be the man.

"Now don't throw up in the car," Carrie only semi joked as she drove off. "This is a rental."

"Why do you have a rental?" I asked her as I slurred my words a lot.

"My car is in the shop," she answered. "Now, where to?"

I showed her the way to my house before arriving there minutes later. She helped me to the door as I was barely able to walk on my own.

"I had a great time with you tonight," I said almost in a whisper of a voice hoping it would turn her on. I bent down and hastily kissed her cheek making sure to make her remember it. However, she backed away.

"Stop," she said. "You have the wrong impression."

"I had the impression that you were hot and were up to coming home with me for the night," I said drunkly taking a step closer to Carrie.

"I'm not like you. I don't just hook up with random strangers, get them drunk, and have meaningless sex that they can't remember the next morning. I only brought you home so you wouldn't kill yourself driving home because I felt sorry for you. But not any more. Instead, I feel sorry for girls who fall for such an arrogant guy like you."

At that moment, I knew in my head that was the first in the last time I would ever see Carrie again. She stormed out of the walkway and sped out of the driveway and down the road. Little did she know that her phone dropped on the steps where she had forgotten to pick it up. She had to be back for it sometime meaning I had a second chance, whether she liked that or not.


Hey guys! So I'm not quite sure about this fanfic yet. I don't know if it seems like a good concept or not. Let me know what you think! And thank you guys for being so supportive on my last two fanfics. You guys are absolutely amazing!

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