Chapter 13

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Carrie's social media was blowing up, however, it wasn't about her. The story was plastered all over the news on her TV and her jaw just dropped. She couldn't believe what was going on and nor could millions of people throughout the world.

Carrie was proud to say that her and Miranda were friends, but they were never close nor on a hang out basis. For all Carrie knew, Blake and Miranda were a happy married couple for the last four years. However, it proved not to be the case when the divorce was made final in the state of Oklahoma which was her home. It broke Carrie's heart. She wouldn't have wished that on anyone, especially a fellow colleague of her's.

It certainly wasn't any of Carrie's business, but this divorced bothered Carrie, considering that her and Mike had a terrible fight a few days before. She was scared to be in this relationship with Mike, mostly because she hadn't been in a relationship like this at all before. She had never been engaged nor had he let alone be a married couple. She was scared not knowing what to expect. And from what was going on with Miranda and Blake, she was scared that her and Mike wouldn't last.

Ever since that terrible fight, Mike wanted someone to hit him over and over again for saying such stupid things. He had called and texted Carrie multiple times every day, but she refused to answer. He figured he needed to give her time and space, and he was willing to give her that. He trusted her, but he feared what their relationship was going to be like after this. He still wanted to marry her and there was no doubt about that. Nothing else would make him happier.

Carrie had a show at the Opry that it was imperative that she be at. As much as she was emotionally spent, she had to suck it up, and put on a show. She arrived there early as always and met Melissa, Ann, and Trish there like she did every time she performed there. While Carrie was getting her hair and makeup done by Melissa, the group talked about upcoming events, life, and brought up the subject of Mike. Melissa, Ann, and Trish could tell something was up about the young blonde about that particular subject matter and that she was obviously not wanting to talk about it.

The first few acts had started up and while they were performing, everyone was greeting Carrie backstage. Carrie loved seeing everyone and being around by everyone, but the more time she spent with them, the more she figured out she really just wanted to be with Mike. She missed him. She missed the way he made her laugh. She missed the way his lips curled up into a smile after she laughed. She missed the way he would comment about how cute she was after she laughed. She missed most about the way his lips felt against her's. And she missed being able to tell him afterwards how much she loved him, and how she had never told any other guy that and never would.

All she wanted at that moment was a hug from him. She just wanted to be in his arms. That's all she needed. However, things weren't that simple. It wasn't as easy as it seemed. He said things that hurt her, but she also said things that hurt him. They both wanted to take back some of those things, but it again, it wasn't that easy.

As Carrie talked to various people at the Opry, she felt as though she froze in time when she saw someone out of the corner of her eye. It wasn't hard to miss him in a crowd, at least to her it seemed that way. Mike watched her end the conversation with the people she was talking to allowing Mike to walk up to her, their eyes finally meeting. Looking at each other for the first time in days felt as though they melted for each other all over again, and it was hard for both of them to refrain.

Both had to play the part though. They didn't anyone questioning their relationship and they didn't want the media on them. This was a personal situation for them that they didn't want going publicly. To make sure no one would notice the awkwardness between them, Carrie flashed him a fake smile. Not very many would be able to tell that it was a fake smile, but he certainly could. Her eyes didn't sparkle as much when she did so. He couldn't help but fake smile back and reply, "Hey."

"Hey," she said awkwardly.

He bent down and whispered in her ear sending shivers down her spine as she felt his warm breath against her skin, "Can we talk?"

Carrie bit her lip as his eyes met her's again as she nodded, "Yea."

Carrie excused herself from the crowd of people backstage as she walked down the hallway to her dressing room, Mike following her. She shut the door behind them and made sure to lock it not wanting anyone to barge in on their conversation.

"Carrie-" Mike started only to be cut off by Carrie.

"Why the heck would you come here tonight?" she questioned frustratingly. "This is my job, Mike. I'm at work right now. You can't just be showing up here like this."

"Are you serious? Can a guy not support his fiancé?" Mike questioned.

"Not when you don't really want to marry her," she recalled the words he had spoken earlier.

"Care, I didn't mean-" he started to explain only to be interrupted again by Ann knocking on the door.

"Carrie, you're on in 10," she hollered.

"Both of us didn't mean a lot of what we said, but that doesn't mean we can take it back," Carrie said. "We can talk about this more later."

At this point, Carrie was very flustered. Her emotions were worked up and they were hard to contain. She somehow displayed control though as she took the stage and sing her three songs like it was a breeze. She wasn't sure how she was doing it. She felt as though she was in haze. She didn't even notice Mike staring at her the whole time from the side of the stage. If she would have, she wouldn't have been able to get through the show.

After the first show was over, Carrie signed autographs and took pictures with a ton of people backstage before heading back into her dressing room where Mike was waiting for her.

"You sang beautifully," Mike complimented her.

"Mike," she began to tear up. She could no longer put on a pretty face. She had to let everything out with the one person she knew she could. "I can't do this."

"What do you mean?" Mike questioned immediately jumping off the couch and hurrying over to her and wrapping her up in a comforting hug as she let tear after tear fall from her gorgeous hazel eyes.

"I can't be mad at you. It hurts too much," she cried. "I'm sorry that I've been all about the tour and my career and I promise I'll focus on our marriage I just can't lose you."

"Carrie," Mike said as he held up Carrie's face with both hands as he wiped away her tears with both thumbs, forcing her to look up into his crystal blue eyes that were still filled with the love and passion he had for her. "You are never, ever going to lose me. I lied when I said I didn't want to marry you because truth is, I have never wanted anything more than to marry a beautiful, talented, smart, caring, loving person like you because I love you, Carrie Marie Underwood, and I always will."

"You know, it's soon to be Carrie Marie Fisher," Carrie chuckled letting one of her radiant smiles form.

Mike couldn't help but giggle back as he flashed her a goofy smile, "I wouldn't want anything more."

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