Chapter 9

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A week after Mike and I's fight was when I came home. Mike didn't call. Mike didn't text. He definitely didn't facetime. All of that hurt. That kind of pain stung real bad. However, it made me think. It made me think about our relationship and how much it means to me, and how badly I need to fix this situation because when two people are in a relationship full of love, they do whatever they can to make sure it stays that way, and that's exactly what I was going to do.

It was late at night when my tour bus dropped me off at my house, bags, suitcases, dogs, and all. I put all of that into my house not really caring that they were in the middle of the doorway. I quickly grabbed my keys, got in the car, and drove to the place where I needed to be at most.

Even though it was one in the morning, I rang Mike's doorbell. It was cold outside but I didn't care. I would stand out on his porch and get frost bite if that meant Mike and I would still be together the way we were. It didn't take him long to answer, and when he did I could tell he was taken back by my presence.

"Just hear me out for like two minutes," I practically begged him. Although I thought his mood would be rather annoyed at me, I could tell it was openness and understanding as he leaned up against the door frame with his shoulder waiting for me to talk.

"This relationship means everything to me, Mike, and I'm not about to lose it over some simple fight. Those nights when you go out with your friends, I'm going to be honest, it worries me and it's not because I don't trust you. Trust me, I do. I trust you with everything in my body and soul. I worry because I want to make sure you are always safe and you are always going to be okay. You know why? Because that's what you do for a person you love? I love you, Mike. And with love comes me trusting you with everything I have, worrying about you, protecting you, caring for you, making you happy, and everything in between all of that and if you just-"

Before I could even rant anymore to him, I felt him grab the sides of my face and forcefully plant his lips onto mine. At first, I felt as if time froze and I wasn't sure what to do. But the more we stayed like that, the more I just melted into his kiss. It was the kiss that I longed for every time I was around him. We stayed like this for probably minutes.

Mike pulled his lips only millimeters away from mine, our faces almost touching as the cheesiest smile Mike formed. "You have no clue how long I have waited for you to say that. I love you so much. I'm sorry I acted the way I did. I've missed you so much, babe."

I couldn't help but chuckle, "I've missed you too."

"Now come inside before you get hypothermia or something," Mike grinned as he held out his hand for me to take. We walked inside together to the living room where we cuddled on the couch the rest of the night, just talking, laughing, kissing, cuddling, everything that I loved about him. I wanted him. And as I almost fell asleep cuddled up to his chest, I said a silent prayer that I would have him for the rest of my life.

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