Chapter 7

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Ever since the couple was together, Ivey had been dying to have Carrie and Mike over for game night at the Childers house with her married couple friends. Although Ivey knew Carrie and Mike were early in their relationship, she wanted to take advantage of it. It wasn't every day that Carrie had a boyfriend or at least a boyfriend Ivey and Mark liked. Plus, she was tired of Carrie being left out of some things just because she wasn't married. And she could tell that it was putting some pressure on Carrie.

Meanwhile, Mike had stopped by early to pick up Carrie to see that she was still getting ready. He was brought upstairs to the bathroom in her bedroom where he sat on one of the counters while Carrie did her makeup while they discussed game night.

"It's going to be so awkward where Ivey and Mark and Erin and Trevor are all married," Carrie complained.

"Why will it be awkward?" Mike asked.

"I don't know," she shrugged uncomfortably. "They've been doing this for a while now and we're kind of the newbies to this group and it's not like we are married or anything."

"Babe, these are your best friends and my best friends combined in one group. I promise it will be fun," Mike said as he stood up off of the counter and wrapped his arms around her waist from behind, gently placing a kiss on her cheek. "I'll be there the whole time. I promise."

Carrie slowly turned around so she was facing Mike, their bodies only millimeters apart. They shared a few calming kisses before Carrie finished getting ready before they were off to Ivey and Mark's.

Game night was going well. The couples had dinner together and had some wine where Mike was sure to pace himself and keep the drinking to a minimum before they played a bunch of fun games, bringing the competitive side out in Carrie. After a while, the ladies sat on the couch and had girl talk while the guys went out to shoot hoops in the driveway.

"Thanks for inviting us tonight, Ivey," Carrie said.

"Hey, when my best friend gets a boyfriend that Mark and I actually like, I have to take advantage of it," Ivey replied.

"So you like Mike?" Carrie asked.

"Of course I do," Ivey answered. "I say he's a keeper."

"I just didn't think-" Carrie started to say before she was cut off by Ivey.

"Mike went through a rough phase for a few years. That doesn't change who he really is. Mark and Trevor and him have been friends for years and he used to be the most kind and clean hearted guy around. Mark hung out with him yesterday and told me that Mike is going back to being that guy again slowly. It's because of you and you know it."

"I didn't think I was going to fall for him," Carrie shook her head. "But now I've fallen so deep for him and this feeling is eating me alive. It's not like last time I was with a guy."

"The last time you were with a guy it wasn't love. It was pain," Ivey explained to her. Carrie shot Ivey a look that confirmed what she was talking about. "Have you talked to him about that yet?"

Carrie shook her head, "I almost did."

"Well, I think you should," Ivey told her.

Meanwhile, the guys were having a similar conversation while shooting hoops.

"So you like Carrie?" Mark questioned starting off the conversation.

"I love her actually," Mike corrected. "I don't really think there's anyone else. I think she's it."

"That's good. I'm glad, man. For both you and her," Mark said. "Carrie's like my sister and she's very fragile about everything. So if you hurt her, I will kick your ass."

Mike giggled lightly, "You won't have to worry about me."

"You aren't like the other ones," Mark told him.

"What do you mean?"
"Carrie's gotten herself in some bad situations when it comes to guys. She's gotten hurt before and it's gotten pretty bad. She has trouble trusting people because of it," Mark explained.

After the fun and eventful game night, Carrie and Mike said their goodbyes to the other couples before heading home. Once they arrived at Carrie's house, they cuddled together on the couch watching random TV shows.

"Can I talk to you about something?" Mike asked breaking the comfortable silence between them. He felt her nod so he continued. "Mark kind of mentioned the guys you dated before me...about how they didn't treat you very well."

Carrie kept quiet as she began to think of all of those terrible memories. All of those guys before that played off to be sweet and kind and as soon as they were behind close doors they would leave her in pain both physically and mentally. Those thoughts made her eyes well with tears. "They hurt me."

"Why didn't you tell me about this before?" Mike asked.
"I was going to," she replied. "I was going to when I couldn't sleep that one night and you came over. Thinking about when they would hurt me gives me nightmares. When I think about it, I can't sleep. I called you so I felt a little protected."

"I'm always going to be here to protect you. I'm never going to hurt you. I'm never going to harm you. All I am ever going to do to you is show you how much I love you. I don't want you to ever worry about getting hurt because as long as we're together, I will guarantee that will never happen," Mike told her bring her body in close to his.

Carrie let her tears spill over at Mike's sweet and gorgeous words and buried her head into his chest, "Will you stay here again tonight?"

Mike wiped the tears off of her cheeks and smiled calmly, "Of course."

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