Chapter 20

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Striving for perfection is a part of life. Everyone wants to be perfect at least at something, if not everything. However, we live in a sinful world that perfection is impossible. Instead, there are pieces of us that lie broken on the ground, waiting to be picked up. Some of the wounds we feel we can never heal. Only the toughest most brave are the people that find the way fix things, one broken piece at a time.

The week of their wedding was supposed to be perfect. Everything was supposed to be ran perfectly and it was, besides that the media was having a frenzy over Carrie about anything. There were rumors about her cheating, about her gaining weight, about her adopting a child just for publicity, that her and Mike are cancelling their wedding, she's pregnant, just about anything. Carrie was so good sometimes about not reading them or not paying any attention, but her family always kept up to date on things and now that they were in town with her, she was being drilled questions left and right.

"Please just stop it!" Carrie finally shouted at her sisters and mom. "I'm not cheating on Mike and nor am I pregnant."

"You and Mike still haven't ya know-" Carrie's sister Stephanie started to speak before immediately being shut up by Carrie.

"I said stop! It's bad enough that everyone in the media is all up about it. The last thing I need is you guys talking about it," Carrie fussed. "I'm going back upstairs to my room for the morning."

"Look what you girls did," Carole said as soon as her youngest daughter left. "She is under a lot of pressure with all of this wedding planning and you know how self conscious she is with those tabloid rumors. You better apologize to her sometime."

Meanwhile, Carrie was walking her way down the hallway, frustration was evident by the look of her face. Ivey had just left her own room when she saw her best friend looking sad as ever.

"Hey girl, what's up," Ivey said, trying to sound chipper.

All Carrie could do was let out a deep sigh as she let herself into her hotel suite thinking that she was going to be left alone. However, that quickly changed when Ivey followed her in.

"What's wrong, Care?" Ivey asked as she sat down next to Carrie on the edge of the bed.

"I'm just done with all of this pressure and people accusing me of everything," Carrie started to fight tears. "I try not to read the tabloids or the mean things on social media but it's just everywhere right now and even my own family is questioning me. I can't handle this anymore."

"Hey, it's okay," her best friend took her in her arms as she started to cry. "Just let it out."

They spent a good few minutes letting Carrie cry until she had finally calmed down enough to speak up. "I just want to skip to the part when I'm married and happy."

"I know, Care," Ivey sympathized. "Your family was probably just making jokes or small talk and know none of the tabloids are really true. We all know the real you. The you that everyone falls in love with."

Interrupting the moment between the two best friends, Mia walked in the room from having breakfast. "Hey," she said as she entered before realizing that her mom-to-be was wiping up some tears. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing," Carrie tried to hide the fact that she was crying.

"Stupid magazines and people on the internet," Ivey informed the teenager.

"Oh, well block them out," Mia said short and simple, plopping down next to Carrie on the bed. "Who cares what they think? You know the truth about yourself and even when you think you don't, you have us to remind you."

With that being said, Carrie couldn't help but release a smile from her lips and giggle a little. "How in the world is a thirteen-year-old so much smarter than me?"

Mia couldn't help but smile back, "This is your week. I mean, I have never gone to a wedding or be a part of one before but I am pretty sure that as one of your bridesmaids, it's my job to make sure that your are the happiest you could ever be so you just tell me who I need to get or whose but I need to kick and I'll show them who's boss."

The three girls couldn't help but burst into laughter as soon as those words escaped the young girl's mouth. In that moment, Carrie had felt so much better and realized that the kid was right. She had nothing to worry about. She looped her arms around Mia and Ivey, bringing them into a group hug, not ever knowing where she would be without them.

The rest of the day had consisted of going to the spa, getting their nails done, and just having a relaxing girls day. After dinner, Carrie decided to take a walk along the beach by herself, enjoying the beautiful blue ocean at sunset. It was so calming and peaceful, and it put her in an entirely different state of mind. As she continued her walk, she saw someone in the distance. It took her a few steps, but as soon as she made out her fiance's body shape, she full out sprinted into his arms as he lifted her off the ground.

It hadn't even been that long since the couple last saw each other. However, both have had such long days that it made it feel like they had spent weeks apart. They smiled each other as if they had fell in love for the first time right then and there.

"Gosh, you are so beautiful," he told her, his arms wrapped around her face as he studied her gorgeous face. "You're going to make the most amazing bride."

It wasn't the first time Mike had told her how beautiful she was, but those were the words she needed from him to make her rough beginning of the day to turn into an incredibly amazing and happy one. All this time, she thought her life would never even come close to perfection but in that moment, she started to realize that she would have her version of a perfect life for many, many years to come.

The End.

Fix YouOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora