Chapter 14

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"HA! We won again! Take that, Fisher," Carrie cheered as she high fived her best friend who she had just shared a win at the game of Pictionary with. She loved egging on her fiancé knowing he was just as competitive as she was.

"You guys just got all of the easy ones," he retorted.

"Sure, okay," she laughed.

"Mark, I'm tired," Ivey playfully pouted sitting on her husbands lap.

"Well, I guess that's my cue to get us home," Mark said announcing their departure.

"We should probably head out too," Trevor told Erin helping his wife off the couch.
The two couples headed towards the front of Carrie's house as they all hugged each other goodbye, before leaving Carrie and Mike alone. Carrie let out a sigh as she shut the door biting her lip as she looked up at Mike, his blue eyes captivating her. "It's finally just you and me," she said.

Mike took a few steps closer towards her so they were only inches apart. He ducked down as she rose up on her tippy toes and before their lips could meet Mike whispered, "I thought they would never leave."

Carrie's hand was placed on his chest, capable of feeling every detail of his muscular exterior. The other was wrapped around the nape of his neck as she deepened the kiss even further as he slipped his tongue into her mouth, causing her to moan slightly. Mike let himself loose as he heard her moan, knowing she was enjoying it. His hand was tangled in her hair and his other was on her bare waist, her shirt lifted up ever so slightly.

The two pulled away when they both needed air and Carrie took Mike's hand into her's and led him back towards the living room where she laid with him on the couch, her head on his chest, arms wrapped up together, legs tangled up. There was silence between the two for a while, just admiring each other's presence.

"I love being here with you like this," Mike spoke softly and deeply. He knew she loved it when he did that. His chest would vibrate against her head, sending shivers through her body, yet his arms around her made her warm. "I can't wait to be married, Care."

"Me too," Carrie spoke softly back. "I can't wait for the day that you're all mine and I'm all yours."

"You're all I want. I don't want anything else but to be able to call you my wife and see your beautiful self every day," he told her.
With their romantic conversation, both of them couldn't help but crash into each other's lips, even more heatedly than the time before. Carrie now straddled his waist moving her hips with each kiss, causing Mike to go crazy. His hands rubbed up and down her toned outer thighs before grabbing a hold of her butt.

He couldn't help but break off their kiss and flip positions so now she was laying on the couch, him on top of her. His lips immediately traveled to her neck finding the sensitive spot almost immediately near her collar bone as she let out a soft moan. She wrapped a leg around Mike's waist as his hands traveled underneath her top, grabbing her breast. It was right as he did so that his phone rang, immediately killing the mood.

"I'm just gonna ignore it," Mike sighed.

"Babe, you should answer. It may be important," Carrie replied sighing as well. She was sort of thankful the phone rang, knowing that if things had continued, they would have gone in territory she most certainly had never been before. She wanted to wait, and Mike respected that.

After he took the phone call though, she wished they wouldn't have broken off their heated moment. He took the phone call in Carrie's private office that was on the first level of the house while Carrie waited on the couch. When he came out of her office, his face was panic stricken. Carrie had never seen her fiancé look that way.

"I should probably head home for the night," Mike said aloud, not even able to look up at Carrie, fear in his eyes.

"Mike, what's wrong?" Carrie asked scared that Mike was acting this way. It was as if he had gone into his own little world of darkness. "Who was that on the phone?"

"It was just stuff about work," he replied quickly. It was evident by his face that he was lying and Carrie could tell in an instant. "I'll see you later."

Carrie knew something was up as he was walking away from her, without even giving her a hug or a kiss goodbye. Before he could leave Carrie's home, she quickly walked up to him, grabbing his arm from behind. "Babe," she stopped him. "Tell me what's wrong."

"Nothing," he shook her hand out of grasp. "I just need to get going."

He left Carrie that night, a million thoughts running through her mine, none of them being good. She had put all of her trust in him. She was honest with him. What pained her most was that she loved him, and seeing her person fall into a place of darkness made her crumble. As his fiancé, it was her responsibility to make sure he didn't slip. The only problem with that was that it might have already been too late.


It sends shivers down people's spines when they think about how quickly their lives can change in an instant even in just the slightest of ways. They think one action doesn't matter to the entire world, but one act leads to another, eventually creating a much bigger picture. People try to escape it, some people take advantage of it, while some other people compromised. It took one simple phone call for Mike to run away and hide from the troubles that faced him.

He wasn't hooking up with anyone that night. He didn't want to. He just needed a drink, except a lot to drink. Just like one act leads to another, one drink leads to another. It didn't take long before Mike was completely wasted. He didn't know where he was, what he was doing, or how the hell Mark showed up to take him to him and Ivey's place for the night.

"Mike, what the hell were you thinking?!" Ivey scolded him as soon as Mark entered the house helping Mike stumble in.

"What's it to you?!" Mike yelled throughout the house, very drunkenly pissed off.

"What's it to me?" Ivey repeated. "Your fiance that happens to be my best friend gave her heart to you and brought you out of the clubs and the bars and into a place of love and happiness. She didn't do all of that just to see you ditch her for alcohol."

"You guys don't get it at all! You have no idea what I'm going through! She doesn't either!" Mike yelled boisterously.

"What is there to get?!" Ivey yelled in frustration.


Although he might have yelled, to Mark and Ivey, it seemed as though the world went mute. Silence filled the room and it was as if time stopped. The events that occurred that night wouldn't just break Mike, it would break Carrie.

"Come again?" Ivey questioned calmer than before.

"I have a daughter," Mike said quieter. "She's ten. It was from a one-night-stand and I don't even know the mom at all. She died two weeks ago in some car accident. They want me to take her."

"What are you going to do?" Mark asked.

"Well, I've tried so hard to run from my past and look how that's worked out for me now," Mike threw his arms into the air. "There's no going back now."

"Dude, you can't relapse like this," Mark shook his head.

"Then, what should I do?" Mike said, his voice cracking.

"You have a responsibility now," Ivey said very sternly. "You have a responsibility not only to be a good father but to be an amazing husband. You're going to stay here tonight and sober up. Tomorrow you'll go and explain everything to Carrie and be completely honest with her. And you won't ever pull anything like this every again. You owe both your daughter and your future wife that."

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