Chapter 18

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 Maia went straight to her bedroom as soon as they got home, leaving Carrie on the main floor alone running her hands through her hair in complete frustration.

"Care?" she heard Mike's voice. She looked up from having her head buried in her hands to see her gorgeous man standing in front of her. She had never wanted to see him so badly. It was like one of those months they spent apart from each other when she was on tour or he had hockey, except it was only a few hours. She immediately stood up and went over to him, practically falling into his warm embrace. "Baby, what's wrong?"

"She hates us already," tears starting to well up in her eyes.

"Who? Maia?" he asked her. He felt her head nod as her face was buried into his chest. "What happened?"

"She just told me how she thinks we don't care about her and it's not true Mike. She thinks that you never wanted her. How could you want something you never knew existed?" she asked, a million thoughts running through her brain.

"Shh, it's okay babe," he whispered. "You know, you've worked a lot today and I know you're brain is probably fried from the writing session earlier so how about how you go upstairs and take a nap. I'm gonna go talk to Maia."

"Okay," she sighed.

"Hey," he lifted up her chin, giving her a soft kiss on the lips, immediately calming her down as he wiped a few tears away. "I love you."

"Love you too," she smiled softly back at him before they went upstairs together.

Mike tucked the blonde in before heading down the hall to Maia's room. He knocked before entering to see the teenager watching TV. "Hey, we need to talk," he told her, walking over to the TV and shutting it off.

"Look, if this is about what happened at the studio earlier, don't worry about it. I already know," Maia said, looking down as if she were guilty.

"You really hurt Carrie's feelings, but honestly you kind of hurt me too," he admitted, causing her to look up at him. "Maia, I didn't know your mother at all when we met. Both of us met a bar and we were both very drunk and I took advantage of her, and we didn't see each other after that. She never even told me she was pregnant. If I knew about you I would have..."

"Would have what?" she asked him, noticing he was drifting off into his own world.

"Honestly, I don't know what I would have done then," he admitted. "I'm going to be honest with you Maia and say that I was not a good guy then. I took advantage of a lot of women besides your mom and I did that for a long time. Carrie was the one a couple of months ago that brought me out of that darkness and that path. I'm not sure how things would have went if I knew you existed all those years ago or if my life would be completely different then how it is now, but I do know that I am the best person I have ever been and I owe it all to Carrie and to God. I wasn't there for thirteen years of your life, but I will spend the rest of my life making it up to you because that's the man I am now. I want to be here for you now and so does Carrie."

"I don't know if I can forgive you after all these years, but I think the more you make it up for me, the more I'll try forgiving you," Maia spoke truthfully. "Plus, it would kind of be cool to have parents. My mom wasn't really there a whole lot. It was mostly the neighbors that took care of me."

"You know, how about we get to know each other a little better," Mike suggested. "You and me."

"Don't forget your fiancé," Maia giggled. Mike laughed at the cute girl's laugh, also at the fact that Maia didn't want to forget that his soon to be wife was in the picture too. "She probably doesn't like me at all now."

"That's not true at all. If there is one thing that I know about Carrie, it's how much of a forgiving person she can be. I've made a lot of mistakes before I started dating her and even while I was dating her, and she has this big heart full of love and care that she is able to understand that all of us make mistakes, she just wants you to talk to her about it," he explained.

"You really love her, don't you," Maia looked up at her father. She could see the way his blue eyes shined when he started talking about her. It was as if his whole body lit up inside.

"I do, and I think it will be a really amazing relationship and family for you to be a part of," Mike offered.

Maia couldn't help but let a grin escape her mouth, "That sounds pretty cool."

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