Chapter Three

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After the weekend, I was back at work and just waiting to see what my lovely co-workers was going to say about my updated, Facebook status. When I walked into work, I settled everything down as I was clocking in, when not only one of my co-workers but two of them asked me about it.

"I guess, you are off the market?" I nodded, as I was clocking in for my shift.

"It was with that Leo guy; you were talking too?" I turn around.

"That's correct, I'm officially off the market," I smiled. Then, they went silent.

The conversation ended there, until later one of my coworkers headed home because her shift ended and it was just the co-worker, who wasn't a big fan of the relationship to begin with. I tuned out as I remembered the first time, I mentioned him to her.

"What's his name?" she asked.

"His name is Leo?" I said proudly.

"How old is he?" she asked, wanting to know who I was liking, at the time.

"He's Twenty Years old,"

"Twenty? Yeah, no that's not going to work. You need someone older. I get he's your best friend, but he needs to stay there in that zone," I tuned back into present day.

I was doing my own thing, when she approached me with my relationship with Leo, around this time. Leo has said he's hoping and planning to visit me before 2021 ends.

"How is your relationship going to work with him being so far?" she asked.

"Well for one, we talk everyday through texting and have a very open communication with each other as well as we facetime every night. Of course, I wish he was here, but I don't have that, but we do have, we are making it work. I rather have him then not at all. Plus, he's planning on coming and visiting me before the year ends, when he does, I'll be staying with him in solo suites," I stated.

"How long is he staying?" I shrugged.

"I don't know but if I have to guess, probably 4-5 days," I thought out loud.

"And your parents going to let you stay with him alone," I started to get irritated with her.

"Yes, because on the first day he'll be bonding with my parents and my brother, so they can get familiar with each other," I explained our plan.

"Will you be comfortable being alone with him? He could be a serial killer or who knows who he is, you don't know him," she continued.

"I actually do, I've been friends with him for a whole year before we went down this road. I know when he is thinking, I know when he is happy, I know when something is bothering him. Just like he knows all those things about me. We know each other so well that sometimes we are so in sync." I stated.

"That's not the same as knowing someone in person," she pointed out. 

"If anything, I think it makes me know him better. He's the person I know and that's not going to change when I see him in person," my blood was boiling. I had to keep defending my relationship with her and I was lucky that a customer walked through the door, or I might've said something I would've regretted.

The next day, my other co-worker had her opinion, I won't get into complete detail but the main point she said.

"The boyfriend you can't touch? The long distance?" I nodded.

"I care about you but this relationship you are starting it won't last," my gut dropped.

I haven't been so happy in my entire life, and this is what response I get, when I can finally say I have someone. Someone who cares about and loves me with all my flaws and all. My person and this is what I get, my mood got a bit blue of it and I should've been on the high of being happy.


When I first heard of what Andrea's co-workers told her. I'll be honest, I felt in a weird way, hurt. I don't know these people personally but, in a way, I knew someone didn't want, Andrea and myself together. My thoughts were who are they. I care about Andrea, and I'd never hurt her, not on purpose at least.

To be honest, I had a fear that if they didn't stop, eventually she'd listen. After a while I stopped being frustrated and started understanding. Andrea's co-workers care for her. They don't want to see her hurt and so they have no faith in a long-distance relationship, especially Andrea and I distance.

Though still a little angry, I was even more understanding. I also can't wait to prove them wrong, by treating Andrea the way she deserves.


As time went on and more people were finding out about Leo and I were in a relationship, we were getting so much love and support for it, it was overwhelming in the best way possible.


The first time I found and knew about the two love birds, I was supportive, and I was like, Yeah, sounds about right. I guess that was going to happen.


When I first find out I was just so happy to see Andrea, happy. I had a feeling it was going to happen, and they are so cute together. Andrea deserves it.


I am happy for the both of them, their adorable. But I called it since their first date.


What can I say about, Leo and Andrea? Oh my god, I love them. Two people who are perfect for each other.


I didn't know anyone who are more perfect for each other. Leo and Andrea are meant to be.


Just happy that my good friend Andrea, found someone so special like she is.


Leo you finally got a girl. Good for you.




I was so happy for Andrea! I'm happy that she found someone to share her life with.


After hearing and reading everyone's reactions to our happy news. We thrilled to share the news and we still couldn't believe it was a reality. Every-day we hit a milestone in our relationship, and we've been enjoying every day since then. We can't wait, what other stones we'll be turning together. 

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