Verse: 7

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"Although I don't want to see you, I want to see you,
Although I hate you, I miss you,
I found that even I couldn't understand myself."

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After he hands you a towel and dries you from the rain, everything had spilled on its own accord. You told Woozi the whole story, from the lonely nights without him in your past life, and the way you missed him. The way you broke up despite it being hard — so very extremely hard. Your feelings pour, as the whole time he merely holds your hand, taking in every last syllable as you talk.

"So you're from a different universe where we're engaged, but we aren't happy together?"

Your voice is watery-thin when you speak again. You were unsure how to approach it further, an awkwardness lingering after you poured your heart out. Woozi doesn't rush you, holding your hands as you try to collect yourself. "Mhm."

He blinks, a little startled. He doesn't say anything right away, so the words fall into the soft breeze in the room, lapsing into the corners. "Did I... ever make it up to you? Was I around for you? Did I never cherish you at all?"

No. You don't even hesitate. You cared for me, so much you wanted to prove yourself to me, to us — that your path got sidetracked.

You didn't notice you said that out loud. And Woozi doesn't say anything.

Just by sitting there however, you already wanted to break into pieces. You hated it-- you hate how fragile you were, how much you needed him. How much you wanted to ask him if he still loved you, even if this was a completely different timeline.

Heartbreak felt shimmering hot, even though it was still pouring outside on the roads.

"But what did you have to lose, if I didn't even care for you?" He breathes out, looking at you sincerely lost. You both wanted to say more-- but the fear of ruining what you already have immobilizes you. "After what I caused you, would you still even want me?"

You didn't know.

You wanted him to be the one to be sure of you, to want you. But with his hesitation, you really didn't know.

"If given the chance, would you still love me?" The words come out before you know it, and Woozi's gaze returns to you again.

Something in him seems to flicker low; a sadness, you think, but the kind that's unintrusive, has long since been accepted. "I think I have always loved you, even in this world, even before we have met. I have always wondered why I had felt so hollow before I met you, but after you told me what happened today, I think I understand why."

You blink. "What do you mean?"

And his smile is sad.

"That... we were never meant to be... In this universe."

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