Verse: 8

76 5 1

"Although this waiting
Is still not easy to bare,
At some point, I realized that I had forgotten, and felt okay again;
This makes our future feel only tattered and sad."

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"Woozi--" You begin, but he hushes you.

"I know you're probably asking me why." Woozi seems to collect his thoughts, shakes his head slightly. He smiles at you, genuine and warm, his eyes crinkling to the side as if to reassure something. "We'll... always have those loves that never really end up anywhere." He says. "And it's no one's fault... in fact, there's no real reason why, I think. Just that, well, there are many kinds of love in this world. And not all of them work out in the end."

You tilt your head a little, eyes widening. Those words remind you of what the other him had once said back when you were dating-- so ingrained that it's easy now for you to fish it out of your memory, word for word.

"Sometimes, to learn love is to spend time until you learn to let go." You recite slowly.

Woozi's gaze returns to you. He smiles at that, nods. "Yeah. Sometimes experiences outweigh the final outcome, and it might even just take one thing for two people to not be compatible in the future. Because learning how to let go, is also an important lesson people sometimes ignore. Some loves don't take long to blossom, while others burn slow."

"And then there's other loves, and these... these stay put in just one person and never really get to be, I guess. To be returned." He smiles again, genuine yet somber when he avoids your stare.

"I have all the time to love you in this world. And I'm sure there have been times we've crossed paths." He pauses, and you see Woozi lower his eyelids, raw and honest. It makes you question what hurt he'd been through in this universe, if he had given this so much thought because once he once was in your position too, and then he continues, cutting into his train of thoughts. "You just... didn't have the time to wait for me, I think."

Outside his door, someone passes. The rain continues to pour, and Woozi's face turns wistful, sad almost, watercolor ink seeping in. "I can't devote myself to someone knowing that if it weren't for a different reality, can't decide if they have time for me."

Everything hits you, the weight of those words harsh, almost submerging.

You suddenly realize, stunned, and there's an ache in your heart, Woozi sounding all too familiar.

When you two hugged under the pouring rain, for once you thought you'd fall more in love with this version of him, the one that wasn't always so busy.

But now you've realised this or that, if you can't accept him in one universe, then no timeline can heal what you two have lost.

The old Woozi was always running towards his goals-- so you chased after him, with all your might. But this Woozi moved leisurely, gradually, slowly enough for you to run right past him.

And you've come to realise, even if you thought this world was drastically different, in reality, they were completely the same. It was you, who either couldn't keep up, or was too hasty to take slower steps.
The sinking feeling settles in, nestles in your bones as you felt like you understood a bit better now.

"Hey, look, I'm sorry if I—"

"No, no, it's okay." Pushing yourself off the chair, you stand up straight, something new surging through your veins. "I understand now. And how no matter in what reality, you'll always be the same type of Woozi I loved."

You leave that night staying quiet, letting the words settle on your skin. They soothe you, and while it doesn't fix away the pain, it's a little bit more relief now, at least.

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Writing this all in google docs and then pasting it is like,,, extremely tedious but I am a paranoid person who is scared one day Wattpad will burn my account and take my writing along with it :D

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