Fourth chapter

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You started to head to gamzee's room who ever the fuck that is. This place is to big to even remember where you where." Oh Gog I'm lost aren't I... I'm going to be in so much trouble..."You started to freak out. Someone tapped on your head you turned around it was Grand Highblood.

"What's the motherfucking matter (Y/N)." He asked with a curious looking face. You jump when you saw him." Ummmmmm well I'm looking for someone's room, but I can't find it. This place is to big to remember where I am, and are you following me again?"

"No motherfucker i just got done culling." You gulped at his words and that's why you thought you smelt blood, but you weren't sure. Then you started to look at him. There was blood on curtain places on his body. You started shaking.You haven't gotten used to smell of blood that much even though you clean it up all the time.


"Are you all up and motherfucking ok
(Y/N)?" You ask then realized that you still hadn't taken a shower so there was still blood all over you that must of scared her. Then you remembered something " Oh I almost motherfucking forgot to tell you that your going to eat motherfucking dinner with me so you better come." You said with a serious face.

(Y/N) looked up at you." What." She asked." I motherfucking said to come eat dinner with me." You said a little bit frustrated." U...uh okay..." she turn around for a minute then turned back to me " do you know i can find gamzee's room..." she asked.

You looked at her shocked at what she just said." What did i say something to upset you." She said nervously staring at you with her beautiful (E/C) eyes." Well motherfucker your talking about my motherfucking son." You said looking at her.

"Wait you have two son's..." she looked suprized." Wait a motherfucking minute you met Kurloz?!" You yelled looked back at her confused." Yeah...i met him because i had to clean his room and all that..." she said looking down kind of sadly and scared.

You felt a little sorry for yelling at her you don't know why." Motherfucking follow me." You said turning around." What..."she said catching up to you. You sighed then kept walking.


"Wait up you walking to fast..." You said trying to catch up. Finally you were able to walk beside him.' He slowed down but why?' You thought looking at him.

Then you realized that he might be kind but he doesn't show it. You started to giggle. He looked at you with his beautiful indigo eyes you never noticed it before but you might like like him or feel red for him that how the trolls say it. He stopped which interrupted you will you were thinking.

"Here this is motherfucking gamzee's room, you better motherfucking remember to come to dinner if you don't I'll motherfucking cull you." You took a step back because you were a little bit scared to be killed.

"Ok i won't forget..." You said shaking a little." Good I'm motherfucking leaving." He said leaving. So you turned to the door that he had led you to then knocked three times. Then you heard some crashing and a few honks of horns.

Then the door opened there was a tall troll standing at the door he had fluffy black hair and really pretty indigo eyes and all over his face was paint like Grand Highblood and Kurloz.

"Ummm... are you gamzee..." You said a little bit shy looking at him." Yeah I'm motherfucking gamzee why are you here sis." He said with a big smile on his face." Well I'm here to clean your room is that ok."

"Yeah motherfucker come on in." He said opening the door like a gentletroll. It looked like a hurricane ran threw it with faygo bottles and some green stuff.' This is going to take forever' you thought to yourself so gamzee wouldn't hear you.

"Hey sis what your name." He asked with his face only five inches away from your face. You could feel your face get hot." My name is (Y/N)..." You said looking away blushing.

Cliff hanger :o) honk

( ok sorry it took so long to update its just that I have been doing so much stuff you couldn't believe if I told you. My brothers wriggling day is in two days. Oh and thanks you guys for reading. )

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