A/N pls read if u want...

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Hello everybody..........
Sorry for not updating sooner....... but I had a chapter all up and done but I'm not going to publish it any more. Not till next month I'm sorry....

I'll tell you the reason so I was looking through my notifications and saw that someone had commented on this book so I was oh cool someone said something on my book. So I go and look on it. It an the halp chapter thing A/N I don't even care anymore.........

It was about why I wasn't updating you know. I was busy at the time. And they said and I quote," I'm tired of the dumb A/N" as angelofdarkness187 says.

So I don't think I'm going update the already finished chapter yet wait to be exact two already done chapters.......

I'm really sorry I'm a really sensitive person I can't let things go.I have severe depression, ADHD, and a lot of heart problems... I'm a heart patient... so that adds to it. Plus I've been think about just ending all here for a while. But my friends are really helping me out of it. But...........never mind.....

But If you wanted to know why I not updating ask angelofdarkness187 why they said that they think the A/N are dumb...........

I'm sorry for calling you out like that i said i was going to do it but it really hurt me it really did even my friend said it was mean. Plus she said if you didn't have anything nice to say don't say it at all...

All I wanted to do was ask for help and tell people I was busy and sorry it affended you so much and you called it dumb I didn't know I was dumb guess I'll have to write that down and tell everyone oh look I did.......TT^TT

I'm just going to go and cry in a corner now and try not to cry......... (( you may think this is dramatic but it's really not! It's this kind of stuff that drives me crazy is stupid comments like that. You don't know the person that's writing do!? Do you!? Do you know the way that I think! Do you know the voices in my head telling me to just get it over with huh do you!?))

Welp I'll see you guys next month apparently... I'm sorry......

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