Chapter 10

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((OOOOOOOOOH MY GOG I'm sooooooooo sorry for not updating i feel like i did the most meanest thing in the world TT^TT I'm so sorry there's to much school to handle. Help me... ok now that I got that out of the way this is going to be a fun chapter! Why you ask because I feel like it should be... well in the next chapter Grand Highblood is going to save you so this is going to cut off short I'm sorry... ok I'm done ))

Your pov

You were walking around when you heard someone open the door or whatever to the tent/building. Then a troll walked to the summoner and whispered something to him.

The summoner shook his head to what ever the troll told him. Then the person (( i said troll waaaaaaaay to much :P )) walked out then walked back in with someone you wouldn't ever expected.

It was dragon?!" What are you doing here dragon." You ran over to her and gave her a big bear hug." I missed you so much." You smiled. "Ok ok I can't breath can you please let go."

You let go of dragon jumping around like an idiot." Do you know this troll?" You turned to melody." Yes yes i do she's my moirail. Dragon meet melody, melody meet dragon oh and dragon, melody is also my moirail :3..."((ah you being derpy wait or is it me aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah))

You looked at them still smiling like an idiot." So i guess you aren't going to introduce me to your moirail. I'm hurt..." the summoner said walking toward y'all and trying not to knock over anything with his horns.((the summoner is my ansiestor so yeah and yes i am a tarus so i have to make fun of him once...))

"..." You didn't answer because you were trying so hard not laugh. It was such a small place that it was hard to move around without bumping into something. So you could understand how much trouble it was caused for him but you couldn't help but laugh.

You laughed and laughed. They all looked at you like you were just jumped on and tikled and couldn't stop." HAHAHA!*tries to breath*"You busted again." (Y/N) are you ok?" Melody asked. You pointed at the mess summoner left then pointed at him.

She looked where you pointed then started to laugh. Dragon didn't look very amused... she look could you say impatient, but for what reason.

Spikes POV

Me and Grandy finally made it to the back of the fort or should I say freaking huge kingdom it's HUGE!!! I wonder if we would have to fight I don't really want anyone to see my blood color...

(( ok I'm stopping right here because this is the part where spike and Grand Highblood go and rescue you yay I'll start typing it to day and update tomorrow ok I think that would be enough time... i think i don't know ok now bye bye you awesome people :3 ))

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