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Hey what's up guys sorry for the long wait... I... How do I say this... I just haven't had the mind or heart to be writing...

I just found out about a month ago that my moms, mom has cancer(I don't remember the name but its a lady one it doesn't effect males) and my dads, dad has lung cancer for smoking all his life... There such nice people...

So... I just haven't been... In my right mind set for a while everything has taken a really nastey turn for my family... But the sad part is my mom also lost her dad from lung cancer just 3 days before her birthday.....TT^TT....

When I was only 3 so I didn't know him much but I just keep seeing my family get put in jail... In the hospital... Getting older and closer to... Kicking the bucket....

I just really cant take it anymore I will update soon just not right now...

But I know there are people that might be in this same situation, and I just want to say "don't worry it will all be better just don't let anything get you down your family won't want to see you like that. They want you to be happy. So be happy! :D"

Well see you guys in a couple days or so maybe. I'm still so sorry....


I had just found out that my good friend had just passed away yesterday. She was at a practice and had collapsed and had a seizer, and they couldn't revive her... She was a really nice person even though that I barely talked to...

I think I might need to take a little more time off then I thought... I'm going to say sorry to everyone even though ya'll say not to... But I'm praying that her friends and family are okay...


Dang I have the worst luck I swear.... My cat just ran away. We had just got her about three weeks ago and found out that she was probably abused by the other cats that the owner had owned because when I would pet her neck it was covered in scabs from bites and claws for any other animal. But she is also deathly afraid of people I was one of the first people that she warmed up to in the house . Now she's gone...

But we also got another cat from that lady she will literally hide anywhere if you give her the chance... One funny thing is she loves to be loved, but she ignores you sometimes wait let me rephrase that she doesn't ignore you... we found out that she was deaf, she's afraid of anything that moves...

So my luck is just GREAT! My cat that trusted me first in my house hold ran the fuck away. And found out why the other cat is so afraid of everyone was because she was deaf.(( I sort of understand how being deaf is I'm hard of hearing...)) So let's just add some more stuff to my sad, and broken heart..............

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