chapter five

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Your POV

You were blushing like crazy." What's the matter (Y/N)." He asked turning you head his direction. His face was closer than it was now it was like 2 inches from your face......

We stayed like this for a very long time just staring in to each others eyes. (( gasp * face plant* noooooooooooo......... ))

Gamzee POV

'Man she's so motherfucking cute when she's blushing.' You thought while looking at her beautiful (E/C) eyes.' Ah i can't motherfucking take it she's way to motherfucking cute!' You thought screaming at yourself.

Someone knocked on your door you let go of her face and walked to the door." Who is it." You asked there was no answer so you assumed it was Kurloz.

You opened the door it was Kurloz so you were right.

Your POV

"Kurloz what are you doing here?" You asked with a curious look.' I was just motherfucking checking up on you that's all.' He signed look at you then to gamzee.

"Well why don't we all up and motherfucking have a chat, or have some of my pie?" Gamzee asked while walking over to a table to grab some faygo's and some slime pies.

Time skip }:D bwahahahaha

You left Gamzee and Kurloz after you were done cleaning and then it hit you. You were late to have dinner with Grand Highblood." I'm so dead!" You yelled running to the dinning hall.Good thing you remembered where you were or he would definitely get you.

Grand Highblood POV

'Where the motherfuck is she. I told her if she didn't come I would cull her.' You started to get impatient. Then angry you eyes started to turn red. BANG! the door flung open then (Y/N) ran in to the room.

" I'm sorry that I'm late I have a good reason!" You looked at her shocked you eyes started to lighten a bit then they went to a deep red. You stood up then stomped to (Y/N).

"AND WHAT YOUR MOTHERFUCKING REASON FOR BEING SO MOTHERFUCKING LATE!" You yelled in here face you realized what you just did. You took a step back then looked at (Y/N) she was crying and shaking in fear.

Your eyes went back to normal and then sighed. You tried to comfort her but you didn't know how. So you started to shoosh pap her don't know why you thought of that. Because she was a human. She started to calm down then she looked at you.

She looked at you her eyes were still red from crying. "Why did you *sniff* do that?" She asked like she were a little kid crying to her parents.

"Well motherfucker I have something to tell you first let's go and motherfucking eat I'm starving." You said looking at (Y/N) then to a servant she was a yellow blood. "Um is there anything I can do?" (Y/N) asking pulling your shirt.

"Nope.... your eating with me..." You tell her walking to the table." Oh ok?" She walks with you to the table. You sit down first then she does." Come closer..." You ask a little shyly.

"Um ok." She gets up to sit at other chair right next to yours. 'Why am I so motherfucking tense?' Your pretty much staring at her. She looks at you then blushes a deep deep red.She looked away as fast as she could then covered her face.

Your POV

'Why am I blushing ugh I can't take it my face is burning? Why is he staring at me?' You keep asking why, why is he doing it but you couldn't figure it out because you were blushing so much.

"What's the matter (Y/N)?" Grand Highblood asked putting his hand on you head you started to blush even more. Who knew that you could blush that much?

(( hope you guys like the chapter :3... ))

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